
dà qì tuān liú
  • atmospheric turbulence
  1. 大气湍流引起CO2激光自差通信系统相位起伏的研究

    Investigation of phase fluctuations by atmospheric turbulence for CO_2 laser homodyne communication system

  2. 大气湍流对CO2激光雷达成像的影响

    Effects of Atmospheric Turbulence on the Laser Radar

  3. 用大气湍流资料计算Lyapunov指数和分数维

    Computation of Lyapunov exponent and fractal dimension by using atmospheric turbulent data

  4. 从G倾斜功率谱和倾斜跟踪残余误差两个方面分析了大气湍流外尺度对倾斜跟踪系统跟踪精度的影响。

    The G-tilt power spectrum and the residual variance of tilted tracking as functions of the outer scale of turbulence are deduced theoretically .

  5. 在Matlab软件环境下,利用相位屏理论数值模拟激光在大气湍流中的传播,得到高斯光束经过大气湍流之后的光场分布情况。

    A transmission process of the laser propagation through atmospheric turbulence was simulated under the Matlab software environment with the phase-screen method .

  6. 以瑞利区间ZR和M2因子作为光束质量的特征参数,研究了大气湍流对光束质量的影响。

    The beam quality is studied by taking the zR and the M2-factor as the characteristic parameters of beam quality .

  7. 依据相位屏理论,使用MATLAB软件模拟产生了大气湍流相位屏,并且为模拟程序创建了图形用户界面(GUI);

    The phase screen was simulated and its graphical user interface ( GUI ) was created in the MATLAB software environment according to the theory of phase screen .

  8. 用H-S波前探测器得到校正前后波前相位时间功率谱,分析了自适应光学控制系统对大气湍流扰动波前的时域校正效果。

    Using data which were measured from H S wavefront sensor of an AO system , power spectra density ( PSD ) was calculated and compared between open loop and close loop conditions .

  9. 对流边界层中,大气湍流扩散参数化将依赖于对流速度尺度W和混合层高度Zi。

    In convective boundary layer , parameterization of atmospheric turbulence diffu ~ sion depends on W , scale of convective velocity and zi , height of mixing layer .

  10. 用CCD(电荷耦合器件)拍摄远距离目标时,大气湍流使得图像发生畸变,导致CCD无法有效的用于远距离目标的识别与监控。

    The image will be distorted when we take the objects picture with CCD at long range because of atmosphere turbulence . We cant availably recognize and monitor long distance object for this reason .

  11. 实际大气湍流下弱光信标Shack-Hartmann波前传感器的波前斜率探测误差

    Slope measurement error of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor under realistic atmospheric trubulence with low-level-light beacon

  12. 在目标探测过程中,为了消除大气湍流带来的影响,提出了一种基于APEX方法的盲去卷积图像复原算法。

    In order to eliminate the influence of atmospheric turbulence in the course of detecting targets , a blind deconvolution image restoration algorithm based on APEX method was proposed .

  13. 该模型可用于优化空间分集结构和空间相干长度以提高MIMOFSO链路在各种大气湍流条件下的传输容量。

    There exist optimal values of spatial coherence length and diversity configuration for maximizing the average capacity of MIMO FSO links over a variety of atmospheric turbulence conditions .

  14. 分析了信道特性后,决定选取RS(255239)码为信道编码,主要针对星地激光通信中的大气湍流及光学平台抖动产生的误码问题。

    The channel characteristics are analyzed , and then we choose the RS ( 255239 ) code . Aimed at the errors which caused by the atmospheric turbulence and the jitter of the optical platform .

  15. 以量子力学的观点,从保真度的基本定义出发,推导了自由空间QKD系统的量子传输信道&大气湍流信道对弱相干态光场的保真度。

    By quantum mechanics conceptions we deduce fidelity of quantum channels , which is turbulent atmosphere in free-space QKD systems , of WCP states .

  16. 利用相位屏(PS)方法通过软件模拟大气湍流,进而研究了自适应光学(AO)系统中哈特曼-夏克(H-S)波前传感器的计算机模拟技术。

    By utilizing the phase screen theory , the atmospheric turbulence is simulated . The method to simulate the Hartmann - Shack ( H-S ) wavefront sensor is discussed .

  17. 介绍了模拟自适应光学系统中受大气湍流影响的光学波前的四种方法,即基于Zernike多项式的K-L函数展开法、小波法、Fourier法以及ARMA法。

    In this paper four simulation methods used to simulate the optical wavefront distorted by atmospheric turbulence are provided , including Karhunen-Loeve function based on Zernike polynomials , wavelets transform , Fourier transform and ARMA method .

  18. 然而,在大气湍流中,如果以瑞利区间ZR作为光束质量的特征参数,则受光阑限制的振幅调制和相位畸变光束的光束质量可能会比受光阑限制的高斯光束的要好。

    However , in turbulence the beam quality of truncated laser beams with AMs and PFs may be better than that of truncated Gaussian beams if the zR is taken as the characteristic parameter of beam quality .

  19. 提出平行取向液晶器件作为大气湍流模拟器(ATS)的应用,研制出平行排列TFT型二维阵列液晶湍流模拟器(LCATS)。

    We presented parallel alignment liquid crystal ( LC ) devices for an application of Atmosphere Turbulence Simulator ( ATS ) . A novel ATS with a parallel alignment LC TFT was fabricated .

  20. 考虑到由大气湍流造成的光学波前畸变中各泽尼克(Zernike)基元模式的统计权重分布,以及变形镜的实际装夹定位方式,对双压电变形反射镜的优化设计进行了分析。

    Considering the statistical weight factors of different Zernike model aberrations caused by atmospheric turbulence , and the different arrangements of mirror positioning , the optimization of the bimorph deformable mirror is analyzed .

  21. 还建立了一种根据实际测量的波前相位功率谱数据估测自适应光学系统变形镜需要控制带宽大小和大气湍流格林伍德(Greenwood)频率的方法。

    A method of calculating the Greenwood frequency and the needed control bandwidth of the deformable mirror of an adaptive optical system from measured PSDs was discussed .

  22. 本文首先对大气湍流效应、MIMO分集及光MIMO系统和常用的空时编码进行详细介绍,然后对比分析,在此基础上寻找适合在自由空间光通信中被广泛应用的技术。

    The paper firstly carries on the detailed introduction of the effects of atmospheric turbulence , the MIMO diversity and space-time coding , and then on the basis of some comparative analysis , it looks for technology widely used in free space optics .

  23. 给出了用Kolmogorov谱描述大气湍流时,在水平均匀大气中多束照明光在目标上形成光斑的漂移角方差的解析表达式。

    The analytic expression for the wandering angular variance of the speckle formed by multiple beams focused on the target in the horizontal homogeneous atmosphere is given when the atmospheric turbulence is described with Kolmogorov spectrum .

  24. s-1速度上升至20km测量大气湍流,微温传感器附加在59型气象探空仪上,可同时测量垂直空间分辨率为30m的气压、温度和湿度以及折射率结构常数。

    The microthermal sensor is coupled to a meteorologic radiosonde ( 59 type ), which is able to transmit pressure , temperature , humidity , and refractive index structure constant each 30 m height interval .

  25. 本文讨论了在高楼顶与校园后山头间1500m距离上,大气湍流对激光束传输的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of atomospheric turbulence on laser beam propagation between tops of the high-building and the hill behind our university campus at the distance of 1500m is discussed .

  26. 首先介绍了发射机、接收机的组成及工作流程,然后对本系统中遇到的关键技术(ATP技术、隔振技术、大气湍流的克服技术)和解决方法作了详细陈述。

    First the structure of transmitter and receiver also the work process are introduced , then the key technologies ( ATP technique , vibration isolated technique , and the technique overcoming atmosphere turbulence ) are expatiated and the solution projects of the key techniques are put forward .

  27. 结果表明,城市近地层大气湍流在惯性副区接近局地各向同性、速度谱符合Kolmogorov相似理论;

    The results show that in the urban surface - layer , the turbulent behaviour is nearly consistent with the laws of local isotropy in the inertial subrange , the velocity spectra conform to Kolmogorov 's similarity theory .

  28. QKD系统中量子(光子)传输的通道称为量子信道,它的物理实现包括:大气湍流信道(即所谓的自由空间)、光纤以及真空信道。

    The channels that quanta ( eg. photons ) passing through are called quantum channels in QKD systems . Turbulent atmosphere ( so called free space ), fiber , and vacuum are the physical realizations of quantum channels .

  29. 本文介绍了HEIFE近地层观测中应用的大气湍流数据的采集和处理系统。

    A micro-computer controlled turbulence data acquisition and processing system has been developed for the Program on Atmosphere-Land Surface Processes in Heihe River Basin ( HEIFE ) .

  30. 根据1994年9月18&30日南沙群岛海域渚碧礁的近海面大气湍流观测实验资料,分别计算了该海域光滑海面和粗糙海面上的空气动力粗糙度(z0)、中性曳力系数(CDN)。

    Based on the data of atmospheric turbulence observed over Nansha Islands sea area , aerodynamic roughness length ( z 0 ) and neutral drag coefficient ( C DN ) are calculated .