
  • 网络Fly;Flying;flown
  1. 假使你是只鸟,你便会飞了。

    If you were a bird , you could fly .

  2. 再过一会儿他们就都能飞了。

    In a little while they could all fly .

  3. 一只黄蜂从窗口飞了进来。

    A wasp had flown in through the window .

  4. 子弹从附近的一面墙上弹飞了。

    The bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall .

  5. 导弹从那架运输机的底部飞了出来。

    The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane .

  6. 子弹从汽车引擎盖和挡风玻璃上弹飞了。

    The bullets ricocheted off the bonnet and windscreen .

  7. 罐子爆炸了,不但炸毁了厨房和浴室,还把窗户炸飞了。

    The can exploded , wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows

  8. 斯图尔特感觉有个瓶子从他头上嗖地一下飞了过去。

    Stewart felt a bottle whizz past his head

  9. 一只鸟从敞开的窗口飞了进来。

    A bird flew in through the open window .

  10. 麻雀忒儿一声飞了。

    With a flap of its wings the sparrow flew off .

  11. 香味儿飞了。

    The sweet scent disappeared .

  12. 啪的一声,瓶塞飞了出来。

    The cork popped and flew out of the bottle .

  13. 他用力一扔,石块脱手飞了出去。

    With a powerful fling he sent the stone flying .

  14. 飞机兜着大圈子,飞了一圈又一圈。

    The plane flew round and round in wide loops .

  15. 那鸟儿立刻飞了。

    The bird was gone like a flash .

  16. 这只鹰前前后后飞了好几个来回,然后落在泉水旁边的岩石上。

    The hawk flew back and forth a few times , and then alighted among the rocks by the spring .

  17. 如果线型图在第4天到第5天呈下行趋势,那就意味着这只鸟比前一天少飞了几公里。

    If the line segment angled dawn , as between Day 4 and Day 5 , it would mean that the bird flew fewer kilometers than the day before .

  18. 那男孩把屋顶上的鸽子吓飞了。

    The boy frightened away the pigeons from the roof .

  19. 渐渐地蜂鸟有了精神,它的爪子抓紧了我的手指,之后它挥动着翅膀飞了起来——这小小的,甜蜜的奇迹。

    Slowly , she perked on my finger . Then she spread her wings and flew on her own : a tiny , sweet miracle .

  20. 一只刚才在威伯的食槽边上爬的苍蝇飞了起来,却愚蠢地碰上了夏洛的网,被那些粘粘的丝线缠住了。

    A fly that had been crawling along Wilbur 's trough had flown up and blundered into the lower part of Charlotte 's web and was tangled in the sticky threads .

  21. 我最后一眼能看见的景象是C车间在一团巨大的烟雾笼罩下飞了起来,该死的毒气从震碎的窗口灌了进来。

    Last thing I ever saw was C shop going up in one grand smudge , and that damn gas pouring in at all the busted windows .

  22. 但飞了两英里后,那架直升飞机由于燃油不足,返回了gatwick机场。

    But after two miles the helicopter was low on fuel , so it turned back to Gatwick .

  23. 生长于斯的妻子告诉我,kamoriver干流沿岸的步行道已打扫干净,因此她年少时迁离此地的白鸟,都终于飞了回来。

    The walkways along the central Kamo River have been cleaned so that , my kyoto-born wife tells me , the white birds that fled in her youth have finally returned .

  24. 我飞了三个月的护航任务,然后由史蒂夫·里夫斯,詹姆斯·麦纳,还有艾乐·霍特佐朵夫教我全面展示F-22性能的理论课,他们都来自波音公司。

    I flew chase for three months and then took a full-blown course in F-22 academics from Steve Reeves , James Mynar , and Earle Holtzendorf , all from Boeing .

  25. 国务院发言人凯西说,美国空军c-130运输机星期四飞了五个架次,为缅甸送去瓶装水,塑胶布,蚊帐,和其他物品。

    Spokesman Casey said U.S.Air Force C-130 cargo planes made five flights Thursday carrying bottled water , plastic sheeting , mosquito netting and other items .

  26. 几只鸟猛地从较低的树枝上飞了起来。

    A few birds started up out of the lower branches .

  27. 那声音把鸟吓飞了。

    Eg. alarmed by the noise , the birds flew away .

  28. 国庆快到了,心又快飞了吧。

    National Day is coming , fast heart fly bar .

  29. 然后上窜下跳地喊:“被撞飞了!”

    And then jumps up and down shouting " that 's tossed "

  30. 你刚才好象飞了有3英尺远。

    You got , like , three feet of air that time .