
  • 网络Fly dog
  1. 但在与雄鹿的比赛中摔倒在地板上的乐福决定呆在那里,并展示了他的反向游泳技能,在《飞狗巴迪》中喜获球迷一只。

    After ending up on the floor against the Bucks , Kevin Love decided to stay there and take a backward swim , earning a supporter in Air Bud .

  2. 我想描绘出一个独特的和非标准的方式,这些情绪的,所以我画能飞狗或奶牛,可以喜欢一个人跳舞。

    I want to depict these emotions in a unique and non-standard way , and so I paint dogs that can fly or cows that can dance like a person .

  3. 你认为我会带一些不会飞的狗回来?

    You think I 'm gonna get dogs that can 't fiy ?

  4. 卡蒂可以马上再飞回来带狗过去。

    Katie can fly right back , bring the dogs out .