
  • 网络Aircraft material
  1. 对飞机材料设备不造成损害;

    It did not make injuries for materials and equipments of aircraft .

  2. 关于实行民用飞机材料生产许可证制度的建议

    The Proposal Concerning Practising the System of Production Certificate for Civil Aviation Materials

  3. 不过,现在有了新的飞机材料。

    But now there were new materials for planes .

  4. 本课题以天然气(主要成分为甲烷)作为基体前驱体,在较高温度和较高压力条件下用化学气相渗透(CVI)工艺致密C/C飞机刹车材料。

    Chemical vapor infiltration ( CVI ) processes from methane , at higher temperature and pressure , were investigated for fabricated C / C aircraft brakes .

  5. 在DF-2轻型体育运动飞机复合材料机翼现有气动外形和机翼布局方案的基础上,设计选用了三种结构方案。

    Three structure blueprints based the existent aerodynamic configuration and wing configuration of DF-2 light sports aircraft .

  6. 最终的方案设计为DF-2飞机复合材料机翼结构设计提供了的设计分析依据。

    The final blueprint design can give certain theoretical reference to composite wing structure design of DF-2 aircraft .

  7. Y12飞机的材料及工艺改进

    Material and Process Improvements for Y-12 Aircraft

  8. 在FC-1飞机刹车材料(文中简称FC-1材料)的基础上,适当控制材料中石墨的加入量,在改善材料摩擦性能的同时进一步提高材料的机械强度,获得一种综合性能良好的新型刹车材料。

    By suitable controlling the amount of graphite in FC-1 friction materials used for making landing brakes of airplane , the frictional properties and the mechanical strength of the material were therefore a new type of friction material , FC-2 , with favourable combination of properties was obtained .

  9. 某型飞机复合材料模具制造的解决方案

    Solution of Manufacture Techniques of Composite Material Forming Die for Aircraft

  10. 轻型飞机复合材料结构件工装的设计与制造

    Design and Manufacture of Tools for Composite Structures in Light Aircraft

  11. C/C复合飞机刹车材料的研究和应用现状

    Present Research and Application of Carbon / Carbon Aeroplane Brake Material

  12. 飞机金属材料的腐蚀及其失效分析程序

    Corrosion of the metallic material for aircraft and its disabled analysis procedure

  13. 碳/碳复合飞机刹车材料的现状及展望

    Present Situation and Prospect of Carbon / Carbon Composites for Aeroplane Brake

  14. 飞机复合材料粘接修理技术及应用

    Investigations and applications of advanced bonded repair technique for aircraft composite structures

  15. 飞机复合材料结构典型形式之一是加筋壁板。

    Stiffened composite panels are the typical composite structure type on aircraft .

  16. 一种新型飞机结构材料&纤维增强铝合金胶接层板

    A Novel Material of Construction of Aeroplane & Fiber-reinforced Aluminum Alloy Laminated Plates

  17. 航空航天飞机结构材料的应用及发展

    Application and Development of Structure Materials for Space Shuttle

  18. 飞机复合材料构件设计知识库的研究

    Researching knowledge based system for aircraft composite part design

  19. 浸透对粉末冶金飞机刹车材料性能的影响

    Effects of Infiltration on Properties of Powder Metallurgy Brake

  20. 飞机结构材料疲劳裂纹的扩展机制及其工程应用

    Mechanisms of fatigue crack propagation and their engineering applications to some structural materials

  21. 飞机复合材料层压板结构中的广义强度准则

    General strength criterion in composite laminated structures of aircraft

  22. 飞机复合材料结构疲劳试验载荷谱简化方法的试验研究

    The experimental study for fatigue spectrum simplification in aircraft composite structure certification test

  23. 飞机复合材料结构的修补与无损评估

    Repairing and Nondestructive Evaluation of Aircraft Composite Structures

  24. 基于红外热成像检测的飞机复合材料冲击试验研究

    Research on low-energy impact of aircraft composite material based on infrared thermal imaging testing

  25. 先进飞机结构材料的发展

    The Development of Structural Materials of Advanced Aircraft

  26. 飞机复合材料结构的湿热老化效应

    Hygrothermal aging effects for aircraft composite structures

  27. 碳/碳复合飞机刹车材料低能摩擦性能研究

    Study of low energy friction properties on carbon / carbon composites used for aircraft brakes

  28. 基于红外热波检测的飞机复合材料损伤面积自动测量

    Automatic Measurement of Damage Area of Composite Component in Airplane Based on Infrared Thermal Wave Testing

  29. 飞机复合材料结构的修理技术

    Repairing Technology for Aircraft Composite Structure

  30. 如何研究、开发一整套的有关飞机复合材料安全性、可靠性和经济性的控制体系成为紧迫而现实的课题。

    How to build a safe , dependable and economical control system has become an urgent problem nowadays .