
  • 网络floo;floo powder
  1. 飞路粉可能也具有消失咒的作用。

    Using Floo powder may also involve the Evanesco spell effect .

  2. 他非常自信,这远不像用飞路粉那样难受。

    He felt perfectly confident ; this wasn 't nearly as uncomfortable as using Floo powder .

  3. 哈利摘下眼镜,小心地放进口袋里,才去取飞路粉。

    Harry took off his glasses and put them safely in his pocket before helping himself to Floo powder .

  4. 哈利、书斯莱一家和买的东西都要用飞路粉运回陋居。

    where Harry , the Weasleys , and all their shopping would be traveling back to the Burrow using Floo powder .

  5. 哈利拼命把这些都记在心里,伸手取了一撮飞路粉,走到火焰边上。

    Trying hard to bear all this in mind , Harry took a pinch of Floo powder and walked to the edge of the fire .