
  • 网络invisibility cloak;invisible cloak;Cloak of Invisibility
  1. 就连我,阿不思·邓布利多,也会发现隐形衣最容易拒绝。

    Even I , Albus Dumbledore , would find it easiest to refuse the Invisibility Cloak ;

  2. 他们仍然披着隐形衣,悄悄走到满是污垢的窗前向下张望。

    Still wearing the Invisibility Cloak , they crept toward the grimy window and looked down .

  3. 安装电子监视器是个坏主意,哈里波特(harrypotter)的隐形衣挺好用,但我们这些人又没有。

    Electronic surveillance would be a bad idea . Cloaks of invisibility work for Harry Potter , but are not available to the rest of us .

  4. 据知,阿不思·邓布利多的幻身咒技艺十分高超,他不需要隐形衣就能使自己隐形——J.K。罗琳注)

    Albus Dumbledore was known to be able to perform a Disillusionment Charm so powerful as to render himself invisible without the need for a Cloak . JKR )

  5. 不知怎么,我们始终没怎么谈论隐形衣,哈利。

    Somehow , we never discussed the Cloak much , Harry .

  6. 波特的隐形衣是从他的父亲处继承的。

    James Potter inherited the invisibility cloak from his father .

  7. 哈利瞪着纸条发呆,罗恩则对着隐形衣赞叹不已。

    Harry stared at the note . Ron was admiring the cloak .

  8. 他悄悄从床上滑下来,把隐形衣裹在身上。

    He slipped out of bed and wrapped the cloak around himself .

  9. 穿上这件隐形衣,整个霍格沃茨就对他完全敞开了。

    The whole of Hogwarts was open to him in this cloak .

  10. “我们有隐形衣呢,”哈利说,

    We 've got the invisibility cloak , said Harry .

  11. 他把隐形衣拉到头顶上,镜子里的他便完全隐去了。

    He pulled the cloak over his head and his reflection vanished completely .

  12. 哈利赶紧把隐形衣藏起来。

    Harry stuffed the cloak quickly out of sight .

  13. 哈利把隐形衣披在肩头,罗恩发出一声高喊。

    Harry threw the cloak around his shoulders and Ron gave a yell .

  14. 于是死神极不情愿地把自己的隐形衣给了他。

    And Death , most unwillingly , handed over his own Cloak of Invisibility .

  15. 罗恩脱下哈利的隐形衣,仿佛从天而降一般。

    Ron appeared out of nowhere as he pulled off Harry 's invisibility cloak .

  16. 隐形衣上还别了一张纸条,写着:

    There was a note pinned to it :

  17. 哈利把隐形衣从肩头脱掉,飞奔到镜子前面。

    Harry dropped the cloak from around his shoulders and ran to the mirror .

  18. 到隐形衣下面来,赫敏,我希望这次我们不要分开。

    Get under the Cloak , Hermione , I want to stick together this time .

  19. 我们有隐形衣呢,这是马尔福不知道的。”

    And we have got the invisibility cloak , Malfoy doesn 't know about that .

  20. 他把隐形衣紧紧裹在身上,向前走去。

    He set off , drawing the invisibility cloak tight around him as he walked .

  21. 穿着这件隐形衣,他可以去任何地方。任何地方啊,费尔奇永远也不会知道。

    He could go anywhere in this , anywhere , and Filch would never know .

  22. 隐形衣是谁送来的呢?

    Who had sent the cloak ?

  23. 哈利把窗帘拉严了,把隐形衣从自己和罗恩身上脱了下来。

    Harry drew the curtains tight shut , then pulled the Cloak off himself and Ron .

  24. 哈利拉开床单时,发现他的隐形衣叠得整整齐齐的,放在床单下面。

    When Harry pulled back his sheets , he found his invisibility cloak folded neatly underneath them .

  25. 哈利从自己床边探出身去,从床底下抽出隐形衣。

    Harry leaned over the side of his own bed and pulled the cloak out from under it .

  26. 呵――你父亲碰巧把它(隐形衣)留给了我,而我认为你大概会喜欢它。

    Ah-your father happened to leave it in my possession , and I thought you might like it .

  27. 好了,为什么不穿上那件奇妙无比的隐形衣回去睡觉呢?”

    Now , why don 't you put that admirable cloak back on and get off to bed ?

  28. 再加上诺伯和隐形衣,他们早就该收拾行李回家了。

    Add Norbert and the invisibility cloak , and they might as well be packing their bags already .

  29. 罗恩和哈利一动不动地站着,心里想着同样的念头——隐形衣对猫有作用吗?

    Ron and Harry stood quite still , both thinking the same thing - did the cloak work on cats ?

  30. “快!”罗恩刚把隐形衣披在两人身上,洛丽丝夫人那双亮晶晶的眼睛就拐进来了。

    Quick ! Ron threw the cloak back over them as the luminous eyes of Mrs.Norris came round the door .