
  • 网络fly;fly up;And fly
  1. 小鸟上下拍动着翅膀,想要飞起来。

    The young bird fluttered her wings up and down , hoping to fly .

  2. 这种挣扎激发了蝴蝶身体里的能量,让它能够飞起来。

    The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly .

  3. 我感觉自己飞起来了,就像乘坐了一架快速的升降机,然后又突然下降,然后……

    I felt myself going up , like riding a fast lift , and then another drop and …

  4. 国王召集了所有的猎鹰,命令它们尽一切可能让另一只猎鹰飞起来。

    The king called all his falconers together and ordered them to try every way they could to make the other falcon fly .

  5. 然而,当河马试图爬上树时,很明显,他并没有翅膀可以飞起来,也没有爪子便于爬树。

    However , when he tried to climb the tree , it was very clear that the hippo didn 't have wings , nor claws to climb with .

  6. 我经常梦想我能够飞起来在空中飘浮

    I often dream that I can levitate .

  7. 我想站在“互联网+”的风口上顺势而为,会使中国经济飞起来。

    I believe with the tail wind generated by our Internet Plus strategy , we will be able to bring Chinese economy off to a new level .

  8. 因为他们俩曾经对SashaEden的儿子说一对有魔法的翅膀能让他飞起来。

    Ever since they had convinced Sasha Eden 's boy that a pair of magic wings would allow him to fly .

  9. 第一个从铁塔上跳下自去的是一位名叫Reichelt的裁缝,他为自己缝制了一个蝙蝠翅膀的衣服,他以为自己能飞起来,但是很遗憾,他没有成功地飞起来。

    The first jumped from the tower to go from a tailor named Reichelt , who sew their own clothes and wings of a bat , and he thought he could fly , but unfortunately , he did not fly successfully .

  10. 我再次起飞,这一次它们也跟着飞起来了。

    I took off again , and this time they followed .

  11. 他微笑,我想我的心都快可以飞起来了。

    He smiled , and I thought my heart could fly .

  12. 我很期待能看到大力神飞起来。

    I 'd love to see the hercuies in the air .

  13. 如果你想尝试骑自行车飞起来。

    If you 're going to try to fly a bicycle .

  14. 要教五百头水牛怎么飞起来。

    Because I got500 buffalo I 'm teaching how to fly .

  15. 哇哦,我飞起来了,我飞起来了。

    Oh wow , I 'm flying , I 'm flying .

  16. 这就是我的蝶泳小窍门,你也一定能够飞起来。

    That is my guide to butterfly swimming , get flying .

  17. 姚的移动相当好,而易则能飞起来!

    Yao can move very well , but Yi can fly .

  18. 你就会发现,很快你就会飞起来的。

    You will find that soon you will fly up .

  19. 如果他们的帽子都飞起来就好啦。

    I just wonder why their caps are still on their heads .

  20. 便可以飞起来,自由地飞起来。

    Will be able to fly , free to fly .

  21. 你成功了,菲利亚斯!我们飞起来了!

    You did it , phileas ! We are flying !

  22. 如果你相信你能够飞起来,你就将会飞起来。

    If you believe you can fly , you will be fly .

  23. 我真的是想快一点飞起来,飞机也一样。

    But I was ready to go and so was the airplane .

  24. 就可以让那艘幽灵巡洋舰飞起来。

    He can still get the Wraith cruiser to fly .

  25. 哦哦,我们飞起来了,我们飞起来了。

    Oh-oh . We 're flying . We 're flying .

  26. 此刻我感觉我能飞起来。

    I feel as if I could fly at present .

  27. 我女儿跑的时候,它就飞起来了。

    And when my daughter ran , it took flight .

  28. 第一个人马上放手,风筝就会马上飞起来了。

    The first personal immediately to let go kite will be flying .

  29. 你跟我在一起就会隐形,你还飞起来过。

    You 're invisible with me , you 've flown .

  30. 那个女人突然晕过去都快飞起来了

    That woman had a seizure , and she was practically levitating .