
fēi jī shī shì
  • plane crash;aircraft accident;aeroplane accident
  1. 在飞机失事中,受伤人员的状况从轻伤到重伤不等。

    Injuries sustained during an aircraft accident can range from minor to severe .

  2. 综上所述,时间在对飞机失事中的反应起着至关重要的作用。

    As stated previously , time is of utmost importance when responding to an aircraft accident .

  3. 飞机失事残骸散落在一个广阔地域。

    Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area .

  4. 官方说这次飞机失事无一人生还。

    Officials said there were no survivors of the plane crash .

  5. 机场副经理说那次飞机失事没有明显的原因。

    The deputy airport manager said there was no apparent explanation for the crash

  6. 飞机失事的确切位置还不清楚。

    The exact location of the plane crash is still unknown .

  7. 救援人员需要知道飞机失事的确切地点。

    The rescue workers needed the precise location of the crash .

  8. 飞机失事是由驾驶员的失误造成的。

    The crash was due to pilot error .

  9. 他险些在飞机失事中遇难。

    He narrowly escaped in the air crash .

  10. 他在那次飞机失事中遇险身亡。

    He was killed in air accident .

  11. 飞机失事了,所有的乘客和机组人员都遇难了。

    The plane crashed , killing all its passengers and crew .

  12. 他在风华正茂时期因飞机失事身亡。

    He was killed in an aeroplane accident in the first flush of youth .

  13. 但在10月31日企业号太空飞船飞机失事导致一名飞行员死亡,另一名飞行员重伤后,保险只是于事无补的宽慰。

    But insurance will be cold comfort following the failure on October 31st of VSS Enterprise , resulting in the death of one pilot and the severe injury to another .

  14. 这次飞机失事中只有一名幸存者。

    There was only one survivor of the plane crash .

  15. 当飞机失事坠毁的当下,他心里想

    And as the plane crashed down he thought

  16. 瑞典籍的前联合国(UN)秘书长达格•哈马舍尔德(DagHammarskj&246;ld)不幸在飞机失事中丧生之前,也和我一起钓了10年的鱼。

    Dag Hammarskj & # 246 ; ld , the Swedish UN secretary-general , fished with me for 10 years before he died in that plane crash .

  17. 就在十天前,DavidDofara博士遇难于喀麦隆肯尼亚航空公司飞机失事事件。

    Only ten days ago , Dr David Dofara was killed in the Kenya Airways crash in Cameroon .

  18. 中国周一继续哀悼16岁的叶梦圆和王琳佳,两人在上周六旧金山韩亚航空(AsianaAirlines)飞机失事时遇难。

    China on Monday continued to mourn the deaths of 16-year-olds Ye Mengyuan and Wang Linjia from the Asiana Airlines crash-landing in San Francisco on Saturday .

  19. 飞机失事那一年他33岁,在红箭队即将待满一年。我曾多次观看他的表演,但伯恩茅斯飞行节(BournemouthAirFestival)一直是当季的最大亮点之一。

    He was 33 and coming to the end of his first year with the aerobatic team . I watched him perform many times but the Bournemouth Air Festival was always one of the highlights of the season .

  20. 当查普力克最小的妹妹Ivy(左二)16岁的时候在一起飞机失事中去世时,其余的姐妹决定永远铭记她们一起分享的爱。

    When Elynne Chaplik-Aleskow 's youngest sister , Ivy ( second from left ), died in a plane crash at age16 , the remaining siblings decided to always honor the love they had shared .

  21. 已经有许多人因为设备陈旧引起的导弹爆炸和飞机失事而丧生。CDG国际设计机构目前在北京设有办事处,设计人员三十余人。

    Many have already given their lives in missile explosions and aircraft accidents caused by the old age of their equipment . At present there is a main branch of CDG in Beijing , including about thirty designers .

  22. 他们也是公司的管理者:安吉拉已故的哥哥维托利奥(Vittorio)曾是公司总裁,2013年乘坐小型飞机失事,这既是个人悲剧,也是全世界的谜团。

    They are the business stewards : Angela 's late brother Vittorio was the company 's president until 2013 , when his death in a small plane accident was a personal tragedy and an international mystery .

  23. 波兰举国悼念飞机失事中遇难的总统波兰各地城市周日下午默哀两分钟,悼念该国总统卡钦斯基(LechKaczynski)和几十位其他高级官员,这些人上周六在俄罗斯因飞机失事遇难。

    Poland Mourns After President Is Killed In Plane Crash Cities across Poland fell silent for two minutes Sunday afternoon as the country remembered President Lech Kaczynski and the dozens of other top officials who were killed in a plane crash in Russia Saturday .

  24. 那些中国人,这次飞机失事,都是地理政治。

    The chinese , the plane crash , that 's geopolitics .

  25. 飞机失事后机身保持完好无损。

    The body of the aircraft remained intact after the crash .

  26. 飞机失事事件中的唯一幸存者是马利。彼得斯。

    The sole survivor of the plane crash was Mary Peters .

  27. 寻找飞机失事的原因。

    They are trying to determine the cause of the crash .

  28. 108名乘客和机务人员在这次飞机失事中丧生。

    All a-hundred-and-eight passengers and crew members died in the crash .

  29. 飞机失事的准确原因仍然是一个谜。

    The exact cause of the plane crash remains a mystery .

  30. 飞机失事的原因还未确定。

    The cause of the plane crash has not been identified .