
  • 网络Orge;The Ogre;cannibal
  1. 她还警告说,随着安倍经济学(Abenomics)的初期提振效果减退,日本需要采取更多措施来战胜通缩这个食人魔。

    She also warned that Japan needs to do more to overcome the ogre of deflation as the initial boost from Abenomics weakens .

  2. 强壮的女子!像食人魔一样强壮!让瑞特卡想到了妈妈!

    Woman strong ! Strong like ogre ! Remind ratka of mother !

  3. 最近食人魔战争造成了巨大的人员伤亡

    The ogre wars have taken their toll this season .

  4. 你完全相信这个食人魔,不是吗?

    You trust the ogre completely , do you ?

  5. 瑞特卡:你喝起酒来就像个食人魔!像食人魔王一样!你赢了!

    Ratka : you drink like ogre ! Like ogre king ! You win bet !

  6. 你很强壮!就像食人魔一样强壮!

    You strong ! Strong like ogre !

  7. 这里很少见到侏儒,你怎么跟一个食人魔在一起?

    Strange to see a gnome here , and why are you with an ogre ?

  8. 莱莉在寒冰泉受食人魔长老霜法师莱夏莉数年的训练。

    Rylai trained in Winterspring for years under raishali , the ancient Troll frost mage .

  9. 他把意念集中起来,把受祝福的、净化的神圣力量灌注在底下的食人魔身上。

    He focused his intentions and directed the blessed , purging holy powers into the ogres below .

  10. 表明,这位人类最早的祖先很是长着长长牙齿的小型“食人魔”。

    The study shows that the earliest ancestor of human being was probably a toothy little cannibal .

  11. 她赶去尤金的家里哀悼,直到那时她才发现尤金就是那位迈阿密食人魔。

    She went to meet his family to grieve and that 's when she learned Eugene was the Miami Cannibal .

  12. 这个你让他调查的食人魔,我想我能帮助威尔一窥其面目。

    This cannibal you have him getting to know ... I think I can help good Will see his face .

  13. 壁垒山的食人魔现在有可能掉落24格制皮材料包的图样。

    The ogres in the barrier hills are rumored to have a pattern for a 24 slot bag to hold leatherworking supplies .

  14. 有相当长的一段时间,深黯魔像被误认为食人魔,这是由于它们缺少明显的特征。

    From a distance , a gloom golem could be mistaken for an ogre , although up close it lacks finer features .

  15. 他的床铺已经不是睡觉的地方的了,简直就是食人魔的老窝∶满是咬过的猪肉副产品和四处乱丢的果壳。

    His bunk is no more a sleeping quarters than an ogre 's lair of gnashed pork byproducts and discarded nut husks .

  16. 在老的部落和他们恶魔般的影响离开后,食人魔开始构造它们自己的文明。

    After being away from the old Horde and its demonic influences , the Ogres have begun to forge their own civilization .

  17. 食人魔们曾经远远地生活在哀伤山脉东边,凯萨北面的大草原上。

    Once the ogres lived far to the east of the mountains of mourn , on the steppes to the north of far cathay .

  18. 变成了男生们霸凌的对象,他们给我取小名,像是什么“食人魔”、“丑八怪”、“恶心”等等。

    I became a target of bullying for the guys , calling me names like " Ogre " or " Ugly " or " Eeww . "

  19. 但是,伏地魔的食人魔能力日益增强,甚至显示黑魔正准备再次出现。

    However , Voldemort 's Death Eaters are gaining strength and even creating the Dark Mark giving evidence that the Dark Lord is ready to rise again .

  20. 单头的那种是他们正常的样子,而双头的是古尔丹制造食人魔巫师试验的产物。

    The one-headed variety of Ogres are how they normally are , whereas the two-headed are the result of Gul'dan 's experimentation used to create Ogre Magi .

  21. 这是狗头人的任务,要保持纳邦德林一尘不染,而它们对职责的忠心耿耿全靠一个手持鞭子和匕首的食人魔来保证。

    It was the kobolds'task to keep the streets of Narbondellyn absolutely free of debris , and their devotion to duty was ensured by an ogre taskmaster armed with whip and daggers .

  22. 其中一个狗头人,背上遍布着刚刚被食人魔抽过的鞭痕,正忙着擦亮路边的公共长椅。

    One of these kobolds , whose back was lined with the recent marks of the ogre 's whip , was busily engaged in polishing a public bench near the edge of the street .

  23. 从影片的音色中可以判断出人物众多,包括萨尔玛•海耶克,约翰•瑞里,托比•琼斯和文森特•卡塞尔在内的强大的演员阵容饰演了“巫师和仙女,可怕的怪物,食人魔和年老的洗衣女工,杂技演员和交际花。”

    The billing for Tale of Tales gives a clue as to the timbre of a film populated by " sorcerers and fairies , fearsome monsters , ogres and old washerwomen , acrobats and courtesans " - played by a strong ensemble cast that includes Salma Hayek , John C Reilly , Toby Jones and Vincent Cassel .

  24. 食人魔王:巨大、独眼的戈隆被认为是食人魔们远古的祖先。

    Ogre Lords : It is believed that the massive , cyclopean gronn are the ancient ancestors of the ogres .