
  • 网络CODEX;Codex Alimentarius;cac;food code
  1. 同时,又将《食品法典标准》(CAC)作为解决国际食品贸易争端、协调各国食品卫生标准的依据。

    At the same time it regarded CAC as the criteria to settle international trade disputes and to coordinate food safety standards of different countries .

  2. 目的:比较我国食品污染物限量标准与食品法典(CAC)标准的差异,为我国制/修订污染物限量标准提供依据和参考。

    Objective : To compare maxium limited standards for contaminants in food between Chinese standard and CAC , and provide evidence and reference for establishing and revising our maxium limited standards for food contaminants .

  3. Food提供关于危害确认的基本信息,以供食品法典委员会实施具体措施时作为参考。

    As such , GEMS / Food provides basic information on hazard identification for setting priorities for Codex consideration . GEMS ;

  4. 按照食品法典委员会推荐的HACCP导则,建立食品安全管理体系。

    The food safety system was established according to CAC 's HACCP ( Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point ) principles .

  5. 国际食品法典委员会(CAC)认为HACCP是迄今控制食源性危害最有效的手段。

    The Codex Alimentarius Commission ( CAC ) regards HACCP as the most effective means of controlling foodborne hazards so far .

  6. 我国与国际食品法典委员会(CAC)食品添加剂使用限量标准的对比分析研究

    Comparison and analysis study on hygienic standards for uses of foods additives between Codex Alimentarius Commission and China national standards

  7. 根据世界贸易组织(WTO)的有关协定要求和食品法典委员会(CAC)的有关准则,食品卫生标准的制定需进行危险性分析和安全性评价。

    Risk analysis and safety evaluation is needed in establishing standards of food hygiene according to the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) requirements and the relevant agreements of Codex Alimentarius Commission ( CAC ) .

  8. MRLs是各国政府和联合国食品法典委员会设定的,这些设定的标准被应用于国际贸易中。

    MRLs are established by national authorities and by the Codex Alimentarius Commission of United Nations , which sets standards that are intended to apply to international trade .

  9. 世界动物卫生组织和食品法典委员会两种风险分析系统及其专业术语的比较

    Comparison of OIE and Codex Systems and List of Terms

  10. 国际食品法典与我国食品质量管理

    International Food Code and Domestic Food Quality Management

  11. 国际食品法典信息交流研讨会在京召开

    Codex Alimentarius Information Exchanging Conference held in Beijing

  12. 食品法典将重新审议以上世纪70年代的科学知识为基础的1981年婴儿配方食品标准。

    Codex will reconsider the1981 standard on infant formula , which was based on scientific knowledge from the1970s .

  13. 食品法典会议还将对中东地区三种区域性食品的最新质量标准进行审议。

    The Codex meeting will also consider new quality standards for three regional food products from the Middle East .

  14. 国际食品法典委员会每年召开会议,讨论和通过食品标准、准则和操作规程。

    The Codex Alimentarius Commission meets annually to discuss and adopt international food standards , guidelines and codes of practice .

  15. 食品法典委员会还将审查一份有关蛋和蛋制品卫生规范的修订文本。

    The Codex Commission will also be looking at a revised code of hygienic practice for eggs and egg products .

  16. 当健康风险的特征性已经很充分时,食品法典委员会就应考虑实行新的控制措施,包括建立一些新的标准。

    When the risk becomes sufficiently characterized , new various control options Can be considered , including the establishment of Codex standards .

  17. 粮农组织通过食品法典参与了肉及肉类产品标准和行为守则的制定工作。

    FAO is also involved , through the Codex Alimentarius , in the development meat and meat products standards and codes of practice .

  18. 食典委面前的另一事项是地理标志的问题以及食品法典与涉及该概念的其它国际协定之间的关系。

    Another issue before the commission is the question of geographical indication and the relationship of Codex to other international agreements covering this concept .

  19. 通过与世界卫生组织共同制定200项食品法典国际规范来保护消费者并作为解决世贸组织卫生和植物检疫法规方面争端的基准。

    Through the establishment with WHO of200 Codex Alimentarius norms to protect consumers and serve as benchmarks for resolving disputes over WTO sanitary and phytosanitary regulations .

  20. 委员会的工作成果构成食品法典(“食品守则”拉丁语),也就是一系列国际食品安全和质量标准。

    The results of its work form the Codex Alimentarius ( Latin for " food code "), a set of international food safety and quality standards .

  21. 通过食品法典委员会(与联合国粮农组织联手)确定食品成份和质量标准;

    Setting standards for the content and quality of food via the Codex Alimentarius Commission ( together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations );

  22. 食品法典委员会是联合国粮食及农业组织和世界卫生组织联合组建的一个机构。

    The Commission is a body jointly set up by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) and the World Health Organization ( WHO ) .

  23. 体系被国际食品法典委员会认为是迄今为止控制食源性危害的最经济、最有效的手段,是目前国际通行的最具权威性的针对食品生产全过程的安全预防监控体系。

    Since now , the HACCP system is considered to be the most economic and efficient means that control the food-source hazards by CAC , which is commonly used aim at the food problem prevention now .

  24. 积极采用国际食品法典委员会、国际兽医局和国际植物保护公约的标准,制定适合本国国情的、协调统一的、易于实际操作的农产品质量安全标准体系。

    The standards of International Food Codex Commission , International Veterinary Bureau and International Plant Protection Conventions were actively adopted . The standard system of quality safety management of agricultural products in these countries were highly coordinated , easily operated , and in conformity with their national conditions .

  25. 食品添加剂法典体系概况

    A Survey of Food Additive Codex System

  26. 以国际现有的食品安全法典为依据,建立我国的食品安全法规体系的基本框架;

    Build up the fundamental frame of our country 's food safety law according to international food safety codes ;

  27. 食品营养标签法典

    Food Code Nutritional Labelling Deadline

  28. 虽然有很多国际标准和法规(其中大部分被纳入粮农组织/世卫组织食品标准规划(食品法典委员会)中),但仍会出现问题。

    While there are many international standards and regulations in place – most of these are enshrined in the Joint FAO / WHO Food Standards Programme ( Codex Alimentarius )– problems can still arise .

  29. 委员会的工作成果构成国际食品安全标准,亦即“食品法典”。

    The results of the commission 's work form the international food safety standard , Codex Alimentarius ( Latin for " food code ") .