
  1. 我宁愿当个富有的工资奴隶,也不愿做贫穷的食利者。

    I would prefer being a rich wage slave to being a poor rentier .

  2. 股东:提供风险资本让商品和服务供应成为可能的人;而非欺骗有短期需求的公众的贪婪食利者。

    Shareholders : providers of risk capital that enables the supply of goods and services ; as opposed to grasping rentiers who cheat the public with short-term demands .

  3. 无利可图的食利者啊,你为什么

    Profitless usurer , why dost thou use

  4. 简单地把企业家个人划分为企业家与食利者,或者是机会拉动与贫穷推动的企业家,都不足以认识企业家在变动的外部条件下的学习能力和适应能力。

    You can simply label people as entrepreneurs and rentiers , or you can divide them into chance-pulling and poverty-driving entrepreneurs , but you can hardly recognize their ability in study and acclimation under the changing external condition .

  5. 现在人们担心,考虑到电脑葬送就业的速度快于我们创造新就业的速度,会出现大规模失业,造就一个由拥有机器人的食利者以及拥有兼容机器人技能的高薪员工组成的特权阶级。

    The worry now is that , with computers making jobs redundant faster than we can generate new ones , the result is widespread unemployment , leaving a privileged class of robot-owning rentiers and highly paid workers with robot-compatible skills .