
  • 网络Food factors;Dietary factors
  1. 常见食物因素对大鼠血清铝水平及其铝的胃肠道吸收的影响

    Influence of Dietary Factors on Absorption and Serum Levels of Aluminum

  2. 但食物因素会增加代谢。

    Even then the increased requirement can easily come from food .

  3. 第三,食物因素的选择;

    ( 3 ) food factor ;

  4. 使用因素分析和群组分析确定食物因素和饮食模式群组。

    Factor analysis and cluster analysis were used to identify the food factors and dietary pattern clusters .

  5. 第四,由于环境因素的变化,不得不考虑到应急食物因素。

    Supplement food factor .

  6. 结论:饮食模式和食物因素与中国糖耐量异常的存在有关,甚至独立于肥胖。

    CONCLUSIONS-Dietary patterns and food factors are associated with the presence of glucose tolerance abnormalities in China , even independent of obesity .

  7. 排除食物因素的影响,相对温暖、避风的环境可能是导致野生大熊猫频繁光顾这些简易建筑并做长时间停留的主要原因。

    By excluding the food sources , a shelter from cold and wind might be the main reason why those pandas frequently visit the simple buildings in this area .

  8. 而与烟酒、主食、食盐摄入量、胃病史、水源污染,热食快食、霉变食物等因素未显示相关性。

    But no relationship with smoking , drinking , amount of staple food , salt , gastric history , drinking polluted water , hot and fast eating habit and mold food et al .

  9. 国际,国内仍然存在一些有待解决的问题,其中包括食物过敏因素,生物技术产品的标签问题,社会的道德的和伦理的问题以及消费者接受的问题。

    Some of the unresolved issues on a national and an international basis include allergy considerations , labeling of biotechnology products , and social , moral , and ethical issues , as well as consumer acceptance .

  10. 结论:影响低糖类食物GI的因素并非是糖的种类(直链或支链),而是膳食纤维含量。

    Conclusions : The inference factors of GI are not the kinds of carbohydrate but the amount of diet fiber in these foods .

  11. 大部分青少年购买时经常考虑食物的卫生因素等,一半以上的青少年还注意了食物的营养成分。

    When buying food , most of the adolescent considered about health and nutrition .

  12. 宁德市1986~2005年食物中毒致病因素分析

    Analysis on the Pathogenic Factors of Food Poisoning in Ningde City from 1986 to 2005

  13. 洪水期透明度下降、水流速加快、食物匮乏等因素导致在这段时期水生生物的生物量大幅下降。

    Transparency decline , water velocity accelerate , food shortages result of aquatic organism biomass slump when flood period . 2 .

  14. 在生态系统中,由于生存空间、食物等竞争因素的影响,生物群体自然地按各自的扩散率di从密度高的地方向密度低的地方转移、扩散。

    In ecological systems , biological populations spontaneously migrant or diffuse from locations of high concentration to locations of low concentration by their own diffused rates di for the sake of effects of space , foods and other competitive factors .

  15. 中国成人家庭内部食物分配及影响因素

    The intra-household food distribution in Chinese adult and its determinants

  16. 食物是一个因素晚饭不宜太饱。

    Food is a factor Have a light dinner .

  17. 我国城市儿童少年家庭食物购买及其影响因素

    The food purchase practice and its influencing factors of families living in urban China

  18. 反刍动物的食物选择及其影响因素

    Food Selectivity and Influencing Factors in Ruminants

  19. 为此就抗性淀粉在结肠癌预防中的有益作用及其食物含量的影响因素进行综述。

    So the beneficial effects of resistant starch for colon cancer prevention and the content influences of foods were reviewed .

  20. 提示大鼠中毒后的味觉嗜好行为是影响其他个体的食物选择的重要因素。

    These data suggested that taste preference of poisoned rat is an important factor affected food selection of other rats .

  21. 这样做的目的是决定狼蛛的存在及食物可用性等因素对茅膏菜构成哪些影响。

    The aim was to determine what impact factors , such as the presence of spiders and food availability , would have on the plants .

  22. 还有一个原因是中国大陆对保险公司来说是个高风险的市场,因为中国人的生活方式不算太健康,还有空气污染和食物中毒等各种因素,所以有必要提高保费。

    Another is China is a riskier place to offer life insurance because of less-than-healthy lifestyles , pollution and food scares , which are reflected in premiums .

  23. [方法]用整群抽样法对福州市区5所幼儿园的778名儿童家长进行儿童食物偏好及其影响因素问卷调查,用SPSS11.5软件包进行数据统计和分析。

    Kindergartens in Fuzhou were selected by cluster random sampling and 778 children 's parents were investigated with a questionnaire . SPSS package was used for data processing .

  24. 目的了解我国城市儿童少年家庭中食物购买及其影响因素,为制订营养教育策略提供科学依据。

    Objective To investigate the food purchase practice and its influencing factors of families living in urban China , provide basic information for developing effective nutrition education program .

  25. 食物中毒的致病因素主要为微生物及其毒素、化学物品和有毒动、植物。引起死亡的主要因素为化学品,占死亡人数的4776%。

    Microorganisms and their toxin , chemicals , toxic animal and plant were main factors resulting in food poisoning , and 47 76 % of total death were caused by chemicals .

  26. 食物中毒的致病因素60.6%为细菌性食物中毒,细菌性食物中毒中40.3%是由副溶血性弧菌引起,占细菌性食物中毒的第一位。

    Bacterium is the main factors resulting in food poisoning ( 60.6 % ) . Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the first common pathogen of all the bacillary food poisoning ( 40.3 % ) .

  27. 90%以上的儿童少年吃过快餐口味、气味、营养是影响他们食物选择的主要因素。

    More than 90 % of the children had eaten fast foods . The study also revealed that taste , smell , and nutrition were the major contributing factors for their food choice .

  28. 结果表明,温度、湿度和食物种类等多种因素都影响湖南一带室内饲养间斑寇蛛的效果,但相对而言,空气的相对湿度是最重要的因素。

    The results show that , of the many factors including temperature , humidity and food that probably affect the indoor-rearing of the spider in the areas of Hunan province , the relative humidity is the most important ;

  29. 哈族新生儿体格发育优于汉族可能与种族差异、哈族新生儿中经产儿比例大于汉族及两民族食物构成差别等因素有关。

    We think that the physical development of Kazak newborns better than Han newborns was due to racial difference and new borns of multiparas in Kazak more than those in Han was due to the composition of food and so on .

  30. 食品安全突发事件频率高是近年来食品安全问题的一个显著特点,在各种食品安全事件中,细菌性食物中毒则是食物中毒的重要因素。

    Food safety emergencies are high frequency in recent years . In these problems , the food poisoning result of Bacterial Pathogens was the most harmful .