
  1. 哪个国家电视台的厨艺比赛,会不仅让参赛者挑战寿司师傅的料理技巧,更是用核磁共振来检测寿司饭卷中空气的含量,并以此决定比赛结果?

    What other nation would stage a televised competition in which they brought in challengers to try to better a master sushi chef 's technique and scanned the resulting sushi pieces with an MRI to compare the ratio of rice to air ?

  2. 当孩子们在享受睡衣晚会的时候,他给自己做了最爱吃的一顿饭——培根鸡肉卷、奶油蘑菇烤四季豆和蒜香吐司——还开了一瓶灰比诺葡萄酒。

    While the kids were at a slumber party , he cooked himself his favorite meal -- bacon-wrapped chicken , green-bean casserole and garlic toast -- and opened a bottle of Pinot Grigio .