
  • 网络Chief Strategy Officer;cso;Chief Strategic Officer
  1. TheANTWorks首席战略官托马斯o格尼表示,这也意味着重叠程度最大的治疗领域(如心血管、神经科学和心脏病学)将是阿斯利康最有可能裁员的领域。

    That also implies that the therapeutic areas with the greatest overlap , such as cardiovascular , neurosciences , and cardiology will be most likely to be cut at AstraZeneca , says Thomas Gurney , CSO at The ANT Works .

  2. 总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)和首席战略官詹姆斯.米切尔(JamesMitchell)都曾在高盛(GoldmanSachs)工作过。

    Both Martin Lau , president , and James Mitchell , chief strategy officer , are Goldman Sachs alumni .

  3. Dyn首席战略官凯尔.约克(KyleYork)表示,该公司与执法机构仍在调查这次攻击的幕后黑手。

    Kyle York , Dyn 's chief strategy officer , said the company , alongside law enforcement agencies , was still investigating who was behind the attack .

  4. 当Nooyi女士担当百事首席战略官一职时,她甚至在掌管公司之前就已开始实施健康食品生产公司的计划,这通过精心安排收购Tropicana和QuakerOats公司,这是两家生产早餐麦片的公司。

    In herformer role as Pepsi 's chief strategist , Ms Nooyi set the company on ahealthier course even before becoming its boss , by engineering the takeovers ofTropicana and Quaker Oats , which makes breakfast cereals .

  5. 感谢我的竞选经理——大卫?普劳夫(DavidPlouffe),我的首席战略官大卫?阿克塞罗德(DavidAxelrod),以及美国政治史上最棒的竞选团队,是你们造就了今天,对你们的付出和牺牲我永远感谢。

    To my campaign manager David Plouffe , my chief strategist David Axelrod , and the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics - you made this happen , and I am forever grateful for what you 've sacrificed to get it done .

  6. 阿里巴巴首席战略官曾鸣指出,就金融来说,数据可以在新市场上带来很多优势。

    Zeng Ming , the company 's chief strategy officer , points to finance as a way its data can give the company an edge in new markets .

  7. 埃森哲公司首席战略官奥马尔·阿波什表示,企业应该在采取下一步措施之前适应风险,并学会吸取生态系统内其他企业的经验。

    Omar Abbosh , Chief Strategy Officer of Accenture , said companies should be comfortable with risks when taking new steps and learn to absorb experiences of other companies within the ecosystem .

  8. 英利首席战略官王亦逾也比较肯定地说:“德国市场虽然不会有大的爆发,但肯定会平稳增长的。”

    Wang Yiyu , Chief Strategy Officer of Yingli , said in a certain tongue : " There may be not a boom in German market , but PV will be increased steadily in there . "

  9. 华为消费者业务首席战略官邵洋在本月的分析师会议上发表讲话时透露,该公司打算精简手机产品线(目前有22款产品),并撤出其无法夺得大片市场的较小国家。

    Speaking at this month 's analyst conference , Shao Yang , president of strategy marketing at the consumer business group , said the company would slim down its handset model portfolio - which currently runs to 22 - and get out of smaller countries where it cannot gain big market share .

  10. 通过知名的手机游戏公司Storm8的首席战略发展官特伦斯·冯的讲解,我们今天将说明人们需要做适当的休息的四个关键理由。

    We 've deciphered four key reasons to take a legitimate break today , after speaking to Terence Fung , chief strategy officer of leading mobile gaming company Storm8 .

  11. 华为终端首席战略和营销官徐昕泉表示。

    Now we are also focusing on consumers , said Victor Xu , chief strategy and marketing officer of Huawei Device .

  12. 随着克雷格•蒙迪,微软首席研究和战略官,并从领导高科技学术界的数目,他加入了奥巴马总统的科技顾问团队。

    Along with Craig Mundie , chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft , and a number of leaders from high-tech academia , he has joined President Barack Obama 's team of technology advisers .

  13. 在过去,我们只是集中于电信运营商,现在也关注消费者。华为终端首席战略和营销官徐昕泉表示。

    In the past , we were focusing on [ telecoms ] operators only . Now we are also focusing on consumers , said Victor Xu , chief strategy and marketing officer of Huawei Device .