
  • 网络The maple leaves;Red Leaves in Xiangshan
  1. 每年深秋,北京香山红叶烂漫,游人如织。

    The Fragrant Hills in beijing , ablaze with red maple leaves in late autumn , attract throngs of visitors .

  2. 香山红叶在阳光中闪耀着红光。

    The maple leaves of the Xiangshan Mountain glowed red in the sunlight .

  3. 黄栌是著名观赏树种,构成香山红叶的主体景观,对首都的生态经济建设有举足轻重的意义。

    Cotinus coggygria is a famous ornamental tree , which constitute the main scenery of Beijing red leaves during autumn .

  4. 早听说香山红叶是北京最浓最浓的秋色,能去看看,自然乐意。

    Xiangshan Hongye heard as early as Beijing is the most dense concentration of Autumn , could go look at the natural happy .

  5. 在秋天,北京的香山被红叶所覆盖。

    In the autumn , Beijing 's Fragrance Hill is covered with red autumn leaves .

  6. 如果你十月去北京,你就能看到香山的红叶。

    If you go to Beijing in October , you will see the red leaves in the Frangrant Hill .

  7. 如果你想欣赏北京的秋景,闲暇时去香山看红叶是一个非常不错的选择。

    If you are looking to enjoy autumn scenery in Beijing , it is highly recommended that you see the red leaves of Fragrant Hill .