
  • 网络BEA;Bank of East Asia;BANK OF EAST ASIA LTD
  1. 我的工作与香港东亚银行。

    I work with Bank Of East Asia Hong Kong .

  2. 中银香港表示,还可能对其在去年以5.1亿美元价格买入的东亚银行(BankofEastAsia)4.94%的股份作减值拨备。总部位于香港的东亚银行在10月份发布了自己的盈利预警。

    BoC Hong Kong said it might also make a provision for its 4.94 per cent stake in Bank of East Asia , which it bought last year for $ 510m . Hong Kong-based BEA issued a profit warning of its own in October .