
  • 网络Freesia;Freesia refracta Klatt
  1. 香雪兰的直接与间接体细胞胚胎发生

    Direct and Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis in Freesia refracta

  2. 利用醋酸洋红Giemsa&C显带技术对香雪兰根尖细胞的染色体进行了显带研究。

    The acetocarmine - Giemsa C-banding technique was used to study heterochromatin distribution in somatic chromosomes of Freesia refracta .

  3. 小苍兰品种‘香玫’是鸢尾科香雪兰属球根花卉,是一种优良的观赏植物。

    Freesia refracta ' Xiangmei ' is corm flower and a kind of excellent ornamental plant .

  4. 同时,本实验室也进行了香雪兰矮化处理的研究。

    At the same time , we also took the research on the dwarf treatment of freesias .

  5. 为打破香雪兰的休眠期,促使香雪兰提前开花,本实验室进行了一系列花期调控研究。

    Our lab took a serious of florescence regulation researches to break the dormancy of freesias and to make them to blossom before the normal period .

  6. 香雪兰为秋植球根花卉,冬春开花,夏季休眠。

    Freesias are bulbous plants that are grown in the autumn and blossom in the winter or spring . In addition , they will be dormant in the summer .

  7. 研究低温和低温加赤霉素处理以及应用乙烯利处理后再结合低温加赤霉素处理等措施对香雪兰花芽分化和提前开花的效应。

    Effects were studied in this paper of freesia corms , treated with chilling or chilling combined with gibberellin at the end of dormancy , and of the corms treated with ethrel for the breaking of dormancy , on flower-bud differentiation and flowering .