
mǎ kè bēi
  • mug;Coffee Mug;mug cup;mark cup
  1. 将热牛奶倒入马克杯,搅拌均匀。

    Pour the hot milk back into the mug . Stir well .

  2. 呃,关于你的马克杯……我来找出来……。

    Well , uh , about your mug ... I 'll find it ....

  3. Bravado集团已售出数百万件与杰克逊共同设计的太阳镜、马克杯、钱包、围巾和短袜,产品种类多达200种。

    Bravado has already sold several million pieces from a 200-item range of sunglasses , mugs , wallets , scarves and socks designed with Mr Jackson .

  4. 这家咖啡厅看起来与老友记里面的那家一模一样:大大的橘色沙发,超大型马克杯,霓虹灯招牌,甚至有一把Phoebe的吉他。

    It looks like Ross and Rachel 's favorite hang out : the big orange couch , the oversized coffee mugs , the neonsignage and bricks , and even the guitar on which Phoebe strummed " Smelly Cat . "

  5. 在1993年初的某一天,他们将一支名为“丑陋马克杯”的朋克乐队演奏的MP2音频文件上传到一个文件传输协议门户,洛德也是该乐队的一名成员。

    Sometime in early 1993 , they uploaded some . MP2 audio files by a punk band that Lord played in called The Ugly Mugs to a file transfer protocol ( FTP ) portal .

  6. “皇室婚礼是一项盛事,benham届时将发行纪念首日封,并制作如马克杯之类的其它收藏品,”豪尔表示。

    " The royal wedding is a significant event as Benham will produce the first - day covers commemorating it , and is also producing other collectables such as mugs , " said Mr Hall .

  7. 凯特问豆豆是不是在问她的水.(为什麽猫都爱喝马克杯的水?)

    Kate asked Pea Pea if she was drinking her water .

  8. 马克杯结合随身碟,以杯子大小将随身碟容量用幽默的方式量化。

    Mug combine Flash Driver , the bigger mug means the large capacity .

  9. ::我想我找到洋基队的马克杯了……喔,太好了。

    I think I found my Yankee 's mug ... Oh , great .

  10. 不过他给了我那个很棒的马克杯。

    But he did give me that nice mug .

  11. 我可以给麦琪做个马克杯生日蛋糕。

    I can make Maggie a birthday mug cake .

  12. 我们把它倒进这个马克杯里吧。

    Let me pour it into this mug .

  13. 真的吗是的我早该知道的你喜欢我们的艾伦马克杯对吗

    Um . I should have known . You love my Ellen mugs , right ?

  14. 吧台后面,冈瑟擦着华丽的大马克杯并把它们摆放好。

    Behind the counter , Gunther cleans the gaudy , oversize mugs and puts them away .

  15. 第五步:将热牛奶倒入杯中将热牛奶倒入马克杯,搅拌均匀。

    Step 5 : Pour Pour the hot milk back into the mug . Stir well .

  16. 照片中最主要的道具是一个写着世上最好的爸爸的马克杯。

    The main prop he used in the photo was a mug that says Worlds Best Father .

  17. 一个漂亮的马克杯-每天都能用到,你会经常被记起。

    A beautiful mug-it 'll be in daily use , and you 'll always be thought of .

  18. 其中大约3夸脱倒进平底锅,并把剩余的倒回马克杯。

    Pour about 3 quarters into a pan , and keep the rest back in the mug .

  19. “丑陋马克杯”乐队大部分是在美国加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯表演,但是他们希望扩大自己的听众群体。

    The Ugly Mugs mostly played in Santa Cruz , but wanted to find a wider audience .

  20. 你可以买到印有“我讨厌希拉提”的汗衫、马克杯,鼠标垫甚至下体弹力护身;

    You can buy " I hate Hillary " T-shirts , mugs , mouse-mats and even jock-straps .

  21. 因为你可以从T恤和马克杯的图上看出哪些部分是最重要的。

    You can tell what pieces were the most important by what 's on the T-shirts and mugs .

  22. 用户可以创作一个卡通形象,然后印在T恤、马克杯、腕带、甚至手表上。

    You created a cartoon and printed it on T-shirts , mugs , wrist bands , even a watch .

  23. 我超级喜欢因为我知道你你发了你和艾伦马克杯的照片

    I 'm crazy about them . Because .. I know , you.You sent pictures with your Ellen mugs .

  24. 加文不但被做成“表情包”,还出现在中国电商网站销售的各种马克杯、海报和衣服上。

    Gavin can also be seen on a variety of mugs , posters and clothing hawked on Chinese e-commerce sites .

  25. 认为商业开发推广只是印有你姓名的T恤和马克杯的想法,就像是来自另一个世纪的事物。

    The idea of merchandising just being T-shirts and mugs with your name on it is like something from another century .

  26. 莉塔:这个上面写‘我爱我的主管’的马克杯是什么?你在拍我马屁吗?

    Rita : What 's with the " I love my boss " mug ? Are you sucking up to me ?

  27. 而酒杯的款式更是花样百出各路酒杯可谓平分秋色,不论是典型的啤酒马克杯,品脱杯,斯坦杯还是那么多种类的红酒高脚杯,悉数粉墨登场。

    The glass styles are split about evenly between the typical beer-style mugs , pints , steins , and plenty of wine-style flutes .

  28. 从英国有名的瓷器商处收集一个印有哈里和梅根名字的玻璃杯或者至少是一个纪念款马克杯。

    Raise a glass - or at least a keepsake mug - to Harry and Meghan - from this famed British pottery brand .

  29. 近日,一家世界杯商品公司推出一套马克杯,误将奥巴马的头像印在三狮后卫克里斯·斯莫林的杯子上,乌龙设计令人捧腹。

    A hilarious blunder at a company producing World Cup merchandise has seen Barack Obama mistaken for defender Chris Smalling on a set of mugs .

  30. 上周四,戴利发了一张在医院病床上的自拍照。照片中,他举着马克杯,身穿病号服,着实让粉丝担心了一把。

    On Thursday he concerned fans by sharing a picture of himself in a hospital bed , raising a mug while lying in a hospital gown .