
mǎ lā sōnɡ
  • marathon
  • lengthy
马拉松 [mǎ lā sōng]
  • [Marathon race] 42195米超长距离赛跑。比喻时间持续得很久的事

  1. 参加本年度马拉松比赛的人数创下最高纪录。

    There 's a record entry for this year 's marathon .

  2. 他感到好像跑了一个马拉松似的。

    It felt as though he had run a marathon .

  3. 他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。

    He 's hoping to compete in the London marathon .

  4. 每次总会有一批稀奇古怪的选手参加伦敦马拉松比赛。

    There is always a strange collection of runners in the London Marathon .

  5. 马拉松赛跑是对耐力的严峻考验。

    The marathon is a severe test of stamina .

  6. 大多数人参加伦敦马拉松赛跑是为慈善事业募集资金。

    Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity .

  7. 她在马拉松比赛中获得第二名。

    She came second in the marathon .

  8. 这次面试真是一场马拉松。

    The interview was a real marathon .

  9. 他克服了25公里时的痛苦极限,进而赢得了他的第一个马拉松冠军。

    He broke through the pain barrier at 25 kilometres and went on to win his first marathon .

  10. 罗杰斯也能在纽约马拉松比赛中4次夺冠。

    Rodgers can also claim four victories in the New York Marathon .

  11. 一名39岁的马拉松参赛者跑到一半时瘫倒在地,没过多久就死了。

    A thirty-nine-year-old competitor collapsed half-way through the marathon and died shortly afterwards .

  12. 双方很可能再进行一场马拉松式的优胜杯比赛。

    Another Cup marathon between the two sides is now a distinct possibility .

  13. 英国的斯蒂芬·琼斯创造了新的马拉松世界纪录——2小时8分零5秒。

    A new world marathon record of 2 hrs , 8 min , 5 sec , was set by Stephen Jones of Great Britain

  14. 火辣辣的太阳烤得那些马拉松选手虚软无力。

    The hot sun sapped the energy of the marathon runners .

  15. 大雨迫使马拉松比赛暂停。

    Heavy rain brought the marathon to a temporary halt .

  16. 他80岁了,但是依然热衷于马拉松运动。

    He is 80 years old , but he is still a marathon fanatic .

  17. 马拉松赛跑可以测试你的耐力。

    A marathon can test your endurance .

  18. 两位马拉松赛跑选手累倒了,他们在虚脱状态中被抬走。

    Two of the runners in the Marathon race collapsed and were carried off in a state of prostration .

  19. 因此,跑完马拉松后,找人开车送你回家也许是个好主意。

    So it might be a good idea to get someone else to drive you home after that marathon .

  20. 如果你在训练跑马拉松,你不会预想到,只要一参加,就可以跑下来。

    If you 're training for a marathon , you wouldn 't expect to turn up and just be able to run it .

  21. 马拉松比赛的前一天晚上,我梦见自己连终点都找不到。

    The night before my marathon , I dreamt that I couldn 't even find the finish line .

  22. 马拉松训练需要细致的准备和稳定的、逐渐增加的跑步距离。

    Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady , gradual increases in the length of the runs .

  23. 我下定决心做我自己、勇往直前、丢掉羞耻和世俗的标签,现在可以称自己为“马拉松冠军”了。

    Determined to be myself , move forward , free of shame and worldly labels , I can now call myself a " marathon winner ".

  24. 我的第一次马拉松比赛。在我第一次马拉松比赛前一个月,我的一个脚踝受伤了,这意味着两周内不能参加比赛,但我只剩下两周的训练时间了。

    My First Marathon 。 A month before my first marathon , one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks , leaving me only two weeks to train .

  25. B:我正忙着为本市的马拉松比赛做准备。我将做一名志愿者。

    B : I am busy preparing for the marathon in our city . I will work as a volunteer .

  26. A:你将在马拉松比赛中做什么?

    A : What will you do in the marathon ?

  27. 据悉,越来越多的兰州市民愿意参加兰州国际马拉松赛。

    It 's reported that more and more Lanzhou citizens would like to take part in Lanzhou International Marathon .

  28. HolidayMovieMarathon电影马拉松挑选你最喜爱的节日电影。

    Pick your favorite holiday movies .

  29. 我希望明年能参加马拉松赛。

    I 'm hoping to be in the marathon next year .

  30. 每年都有成千上万名参赛者在伦敦马拉松赛上挥汗如雨。

    Thousands of people sweat it out at the London Marathon every year .