
  • 网络Makung;Magong;Magong City
  1. 我沿着中华路(CentralStreet)继续前行,这是马公市最古老的街道,蜿蜒曲折,均用砖头铺就,路过了好几座孔庙与祠堂。

    Then I continued along Central Street , Makung 's oldest , winding and brick-paved , past Confucian temples and ancestral shrines .

  2. 呈马蹄形的澎湖主群岛由四座岛屿构成,相互之间用桥梁连结。我漫步于澎湖县治所在地、美丽的海滨小城马公市(Makung),不禁浮想联翩。

    On the main archipelago , four islands forming a horseshoe and connected by bridges , I wandered around Makung , the pretty seaside capital , lost in a delicious walking reverie .