
  • Marlin;Marin;Cheech Marin
  1. 格林布拉特估计,自1998年以来,马林钢丝产品公司(MarlinSteelWireProducts)引入自动化技术已经帮助将员工的生产率提高了3倍。他的客户包括汽车制造商通用汽车(GeneralMotors)。

    The introduction of automation at Marlin Steel Wire Products has helped boost employee productivity fourfold since 1998 , estimates Mr Greenblatt , whose customers include carmaker General Motors .

  2. 他缓慢地把钓丝放松,尽力想把这条马林鱼拖乏。

    Feeding line slowly , he tried to tire the marlin .

  3. 马林关于诺森布里亚的文章刊出后读者来信纷至沓来。

    Marling 's article on Northumbria attracted a large postbag .

  4. 马林将于今年挂靴。

    Mr. Ma Lin will have retired from the national football team by the end of this year .

  5. 西海岸战后咖啡店式建筑的狂热追随者(卡拉尔安马林)来自互联网

    West Coast aficionados of postwar coffee-shop architecture ( Karal Ann Marling )

  6. 西雅图WeiKitchen餐厅的黛比·马林(DebbieMullin)制作小批量葱椒油。

    and Debbie Mullin of Wei Kitchen in Seattle , who makes small-batch shallot and chile oils .

  7. 我遇到的另一个人是美国首位墨西哥裔财长,曾在乔治W布什政府中任职的罗萨里奥马林。

    Another person I met was Ros rio Marin , the first Mexican Treasurer of the United States , having carried out this role in the government of George W.

  8. ChristianMortensen居住在加利福尼亚州的马林县,享有115岁高龄。

    Christian Mortensen lived in Marin County , CA until the grand age of 115 years old .

  9. 即便是马林软件(MarinSoftware)这样表现抢眼的公司,也必须要成功地管理好股东群由风投公司向公共资金的转变。

    Even for strong companies like Marin software ( mrin ) , the key is successfully managing the shift of their shareholder base from VCs to public funds .

  10. 佐治亚州亚特兰大市的珍妮弗·邦汀-格蕾登(JenniferBunting-Graden)理解马林和她的目标。

    In Atlanta , Georgia , Jennifer Bunting-Graden understands Malin and her goals .

  11. 蓝枪鱼(俗称蓝色马林鱼)生活在大西洋(Atlantic)海域,它可能是这片海域的所有物种中最出名的鱼类。它们中的几个已囊括了全世界范围内所有的长嘴鱼品种。

    Although the Blue Marlin , a denizen of the Atlantic , may be the most recognizable member of this group of species , there are several that comprise a worldwide population of billfish .

  12. 在NationLink公司里,马林试图取得比她的男同事更好的业绩。

    At NationLink , Malin tried to achieve better results than her male co-workers .

  13. MLB佛罗里达马林鱼队最佳新秀,在2006年驾驶宾利车时拒绝接受酒精检测而被认定为酒驾。

    MLB Rookie of the Florida Marlins in2006 , driving the Bentley car refused alcohol testing and was identified as drunk driving .

  14. 并以马林林场为例,集成Struts框架与Hibernate中间件技术开发了一套比较完整、具有了MVC三层结构的森林火灾损失评估系统。

    A set of relatively complete assessment system for forest fire loss was developed taking Malin forest farm as an example , which integrates Struts frame with the middleware technology of Hibernate and has three layers of MVC .

  15. 奥斯伯格住在三藩市附近的马林县(MarinCounty),每天通过电话跟巴菲特沟通好几次,一起打网上桥牌,一边闲聊一边切磋牌技。

    Osberg lives in Marin County , outside of San Francisco , and communicates with Buffett a couple of times a day by phone , and then again via the computer , where the two chat as they play online .

  16. 片中真正让人感兴趣的事发生在破损的金门大桥另一侧的马林县,在那里,我们进化之路上的表亲们正在建立自己的文明,他们仁慈的领导者名叫凯撒(Caesar),是一个会直立行走的黑猩猩。

    The real interest lies across the battered Golden Gate Bridge , in Marin County , where our evolutionary cousins , under the benevolent guidance of an upright-walking chimpanzee named Caesar , have built their own civilization .

  17. 沃尔什居住在加利福尼亚州,可以从家中远眺马林县的塔玛珮斯山,而黑客在踏足她家的数日之前,就发现了她的Facebook账号——尽管它相对来说是保密的——获得了足以接管她的数字生活的信息。

    Days before hackers even set foot in Mrs. Walsh 's home overlooking Mount Tamalpais in Marin County , Calif. , they found her Facebook account and - though it was comparatively locked down - uncovered just enough to begin to take over her digital life .

  18. 高盛分析师彼得•马林-琼斯(PeterMallin-Jones)表示,如果明年中国GDP增长8%,而非高盛经济学家此前预测的10%,那么多数金属的价格将下跌30%至38%。

    If Chinese GDP growth was 8 per cent next year , rather than the 10 per cent forecast by Goldman economists , the majority of metals would fall by 30-38 per cent , analyst Peter Mallin-Jones said .

  19. 为了炫耀他时尚的新发明,马林穿着他的直排轮去参加了在比利时huys举行的化妆舞会。

    He wanted to show off his new creations in style , and he wore them at a masquerade ball in the city of Huys , Belgium .

  20. 2014年主办世界杯的巴西,是在苏黎世遭到逮捕的国际足联高官若泽·马利亚·马林(JoséMariaMarin)的老家。一些人为马林辩护,声称美国为增加在国际足联的影响力才进行调查。

    In Brazil , the host country of the 2014 World Cup and the home of Jos é Maria Marin , the powerful soccer authority who was among the FIFA figures arrested in Zurich , some defenders of Mr. Marin contended that the investigation was an effort by the United States to gain influence within FIFA .

  21. 马林认为,更多的妇女可以在她的公司担任领导。

    Malin believes more women can be leaders in her company .

  22. 马林急着要再去海滨。

    Marlene can hardly wait to go to the beach again .

  23. 马林是公共汽车司机,他的妻子是售票员。

    Ma Lin is a bus-driver , his wife a conductor .

  24. 马林:我大老远跑来不是来当早餐的。

    Marlin : I didn 't come this far to be breakfast .

  25. 这条马林鱼比船还长两英尺。

    The fish was two feet longer than the boat .

  26. 不,他拿着一个3000磅重的马林鱼-没错

    No , he 's holding a 3000-pound marlin . - Yep .

  27. 极右派领导人马林.勒庞也对此作出反应。

    Far-right leader Marine Le Pen also offered a reaction .

  28. 马林是怎么想办法从水母阵里逃出来的?

    How did Marlin manage to escape from the forest of jellyfish ?

  29. 醇溶性马林酸树脂是由马林酸改性松香与多元醇酯化而成。

    It is made from maleic modified resin through esterification with polyalcohol .

  30. 在决赛中,他打败了他的队友马林。

    He beat his teammate Ma Lin in the final .