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  • marshall plan
马歇尔计划 [mǎ xiē ěr jì huà]
  • [Marshall plan] 1947年6月5日,美国国务卿马歇尔在哈佛大学发表所谓美国援助欧洲复兴的演说。后来美国政府据以制订的《欧洲复兴方案》,就被称为马歇尔计划

  1. 在成本和利益共享方面达成国际性的协议,有一些先例可循特别是《马歇尔计划》(marshallplan)。

    There are precedents for reaching an international agreement on sharing costs and benefits - notably , the Marshall Plan .

  2. 佩蒂斯说,或许只有针对地中海地区的一个德国版马歇尔计划(MarshallPlan)才可以拯救欧元区,但这样的计划不太可能出现。

    Perhaps , says Pettis , only a German Marshall plan for the Mediterranean ( unlikely ) could save the eurozone .

  3. 但他同时表示,最终还得取决于是否会出现类似马歇尔计划(MarshallPlan)的阿富汗重建方案,以及美国履行部落经济发展计划的情况。

    But that depends , he says , on a Marshall plan-like reconstruction of Afghanistan & and the U.S. delivering on tribal economic development plans .

  4. 不过,到了1980年,在马歇尔计划(marshallplan)的推动下,欧洲重新站稳了脚跟,而日本的汽车和电子工业发展势头也颇为强劲。

    By 1980 however , Europe , helped by the Marshall Plan , was back on its feet and the Japanese car and electronics industries were developing momentum .

  5. 后者的结果更为正面,它带来了马歇尔计划(marshallplan),为德国经济奇迹和欧洲大陆其它地方恢复经济提供了资金,最终导致了欧盟(eu)的建立。

    The latter , far more positive , resulted in the Marshall plan that financed the German wirtschafts-wunder and economic revival across the rest of the continent , which led to the eventual establishment of the EU .

  6. 西欧各国对马歇尔计划表示欢迎,并于1947年7月成立了欧洲经济合作委员会(CEEC)来配合马歇尔计划的实施。

    Western European countries welcomed Marshall Plan and in July 1947 they founded CEEC to cooperate with the Marshall Plan .

  7. 马歇尔计划与战后法国政治中右化

    The Marshall Plan and the Intermediate-Right-Winged Orientation of Postwar French Politics

  8. 他们对马歇尔计划大发雷霆。

    They had been huffing and puffing about the Marshall plan .

  9. 向人民传达马歇尔计划的信息。

    Carry the message of the Marshall Plan to the people .

  10. 马歇尔计划与西欧一体化再论

    On the Marshall Plan and the Integration of the Western Europe

  11. 国际专家要求推动中南半岛马歇尔计划

    International Experts Ask to Push forward Marshall Plan for Central-Southern Peninsular

  12. 马歇尔计划曾适用于战后的欧洲。

    The Marshall plan got it right for postwar Europe .

  13. 马歇尔计划帮助西欧开始经济恢复。

    The Marshall plan helped to kick-start Weatern europe 's economic recovery .

  14. 从这一角度来说,马歇尔计划在法国的实施是不完美的,是有争议的。

    From the perspective , the Marshall Plan was imperfect and controversial .

  15. 他曾在欧洲推行过马歇尔计划。

    He had run the Marshall Plan in Europe .

  16. 马歇尔计划对西欧经济的影响

    The impact of Marshall Plan on West European economy

  17. 试析马歇尔计划的背景、原因及其实质

    An Analysis of the Background , Reason and Characteristic of the Marshall Plan

  18. 马歇尔计划和欧洲统一

    Marshall 's Plan and the Unification of Europe

  19. 在种族隔离政策终结之后,南非人呼吁一项马歇尔计划。

    After the fall of apartheid , South Africans called for a Marshall Plan .

  20. 他们实际上是把马歇尔计划当作一种类乎保险公司骗局的玩意儿。

    They had in fact set up the Marshall plan as an insurance racket .

  21. 这些学生中的大多数人从来没有听说过马歇尔计划。

    The vast majority of these students had never heard of the Marshall plan .

  22. 马歇尔计划与遏制政策

    The Marshall Plan and the Containment Policy

  23. 马歇尔计划的传奇性已具有同它真正的历史功绩一样的强大力量。

    The myth of the Marshall Plan has become as forceful as its true historical legacy .

  24. 马歇尔计划与以往的经济援助计划相比有新的特点,首次正式提出了欧洲一体化观念。

    As the first of its kind , it put forward the idea of European integration formally .

  25. 第二章论述了马歇尔计划的提出与英国的初步反应。

    The second part is about the release of the Marshall Plan and the initial reaction of Britain .

  26. 马歇尔计划在二战后支持了对欧洲(尤其是意大利)的投资。

    The Marshall Plan supported investment in Europe – and especially Italy – after the second world war .

  27. 二战后,美国富裕,而欧洲贫困,马歇尔计划帮助欧洲赶了上来。

    Post-war America was rich , Europe was poor , and the Marshall plan helped Europe catch up .

  28. 如今,这些因素都存在,由此带来了针对乌克兰执行马歇尔计划的五个很好的理由。

    Today all these needs are present , presenting five good reasons for a Marshall Plan for Ukraine .

  29. 这并不是很多人想要的马歇尔计划,而是一个正确的开始。

    It is not quite the Marshall Plan wanted by some , but it is the right start .

  30. 但是,马歇尔计划有一个出自同一思路的欧洲层面。

    But there was a specific European dimension to the Marshall effort , which came from the same reflections .