
  • 网络brady plan
  1. 最后,在沿着布雷迪计划的方向迈进时,欧洲需要一个债务削减框架。

    Finally , Europe needs a framework for debt reduction along the lines of the Brady Plan .

  2. 拉美债务危机的出路何在&兼评布雷迪计划

    What is the way out for Latin American debt crisis ? & a concurrent note on Brady plan

  3. 随着80年代后期新兴市场国家债务危机的爆发、银行通过布雷迪计划出逃主权债务市场,债券取代银行贷款成为主权国家融资最主要的方式。

    In the late 1980s , due to a debt crisis in emerging economies , banks exited from the sovereign debt market by means of the Brady plan , which resulted in a shift towards bonds as the principal instrument of sovereign debt .