
mǎ ěr tā
  • Malta
  1. 在那次战争中,马耳他的战略意义至为关键。

    Malta was of vital strategic importance during the war .

  2. 官员们也报告说,又有两艘船显然正往马耳他驶去。

    The officials also reported that two more ships were apparently heading for Malta

  3. 《马耳他之鹰》的拍摄进展顺利。

    The shooting of The Maltese Falcon proceeded without a hitch .

  4. 如果您想犒劳一下自己,马耳他希尔顿酒店将为您提供高水准的国际化服务。

    If you want to treat yourself , the Malta Hilton offers high international standards .

  5. 达希尔·哈米特的悬疑小说《马耳他黑鹰》普遍被认为是他最好的作品。

    The Maltese Falcon , mystery novel by Dashiell Hammett , generally considered his finest work .

  6. 马耳他只要求申请入籍者至少在该国住满1年,办理过程总花费不到120万欧元,其中包括给马耳他国家发展及社会基金(NationalDevelopmentandSocialFund)的捐款,部分捐款过后不可退还。

    Malta 's residency requirement is only one year , and the total price is less than 1.2m , part of it in an non-refundable contribution to the National Development and Social Fund .

  7. 马耳他有两种官方语言:马耳他语(一种非Z系WZ)和英语。

    Malta has two official languages in Maltese ( a Semitic language ) and English .

  8. 研究人员估计在马耳他等国家,在劳动市场实现性别平等将使GDP增长高达40%。

    In countries such as Malta , researchers have estimated the GDP gains from gender equality in the labor market could be as high as 40 % .

  9. 马耳他里拉(货币代码MTL)是马耳他的货币。

    The Maltese lira is the currency of Malta .

  10. 马耳他(地中海岛国)的约翰·达利(JohnDalli)是欧盟健康和消费者政策专员。

    John Dalli of Malta is the European Union 's Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy .

  11. 至少在理论上,德国央行行长的权力并不比浦路斯央行(bankofcyprus)行长或马耳他央行(bankofmalta)行长的权力更大。

    On paper , at least , the president of the Bundesbank is no more powerful than the governor of the Bank of Cyprus or the Bank of Malta .

  12. 该公司可以通过亨利地产公司(HenleyEstates)租赁或出售地产,为那些不在马耳他居住的人管理物业。

    The company can rent and sell property through Henley Estates and manage that property for those who are not living in Malta .

  13. FT全球500强企业的股价,可通过本报每天的股价版面追踪,凡是FT全球500强排行榜上的公司,都有一个马耳他十字符号作为标识。

    The FT 500 companies can be followed every day on the stock price pages in the newspaper where the companies in the FT 500 are identified by a Maltese cross symbol .

  14. 2002年秋天,我在马耳他展览了部分画作;过了不到一年,我向英国国民健康服务体系(nhs)的医生和职员们展示了一些作品。

    In autumn 2002 I showed some of those paintings in an exhibition in Malta ; within another year I had shown some of them to NHS doctors and staff .

  15. 不计其数的马耳他旅游手册中都介绍了“蓝窗”,HBO电视剧《权力的游戏》第一集、电影《诸神之战》曾在此取景。

    The structure was featured in countless Malta tourism brochures and the first episode of the HBO series " Game of Thrones , " as well as the movie , " Clash of The Titans . "

  16. 客户们不只是投资,他们真的想做更多,居住权和公民权规划公司亨利合伙公司(Henley&Partners)马耳他办事处的总经理马克·斯坦纳德(MarkStannard)说。

    Clients genuinely want to do more than just make the investment , said Mark Stannard , managing director of the Maltese office of Henley & Partners , a residence and citizenship planning firm .

  17. 投资移民理事会主席季米特里•科切诺夫(DimitryKochenov)是一名马耳他国籍项目顾问。据我所知,马耳他的国籍项目是最受业内专家们推崇的项目。

    Dimitry Kochenov , who runs the IMC , was an adviser on the Malta citizenship programme , which I 'm told is the one most favoured by industry specialists .

  18. 全球外籍雇员社区InterNations称,在其针对常驻64个国家的外籍雇员所作的“就业与职业发展”排行中,中国位列第三,仅次于美国和马耳他。

    InterNations , the global expat community , says China ranks third behind only the US and Malta , in its " job and career " rankings of expatriate life in 64 foreign countries .

  19. 马耳他1993&2002年侵袭性恶性黑素瘤的概况

    A profile of invasive cutaneous malignant melanoma in Malta : 1993-2002

  20. 1814年,马耳他岛沦为大英帝国的殖民地。

    In1814 , Malta became a part of the British Empire .

  21. 地中海中的马耳他岛上的一个共和国。

    A republic on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean .

  22. 马耳他创艺传媒公司重庆分社成立

    Inspired Reporting Ltd. of Malta Established a Permanent Bureau in Chongqing

  23. 马耳他在2004年5月1日加入欧盟。

    Malta joined the European Union ( EU ) on1 May2004 .

  24. 英语和马耳他语是马耳他的官方语言。

    English is the official language in Malta along with Maltese .

  25. 2011年,电影开始在马耳他,格拉斯哥和布达佩斯开始拍摄。

    Filming began in 2011 in Malta , Glasgow and Budapest .

  26. 您能告诉我去马耳他的旅费吗?

    Can you give me an idea of the fares to Malta ?

  27. 有一天,我正前往马耳他一间具规模的宾馆。

    One day , I 'm goin'to Malta to a big hotel .

  28. 马耳他似乎是个度假的好地方。

    Malta sounds like a great place for a holiday .

  29. 下一个问题:谁建立了马耳他的地下古墓室?

    Okay , next question : Who built the Hypogeum in Malta ?

  30. 某日,我要去马耳他的大酒店。

    Later I go to eat at a bigger restaurant .