
  • 网络Maltese;the Malt
  1. 司机一头乌发、肤色黝黑,可能是个马耳他人。

    The driver was very dark . Maltese , maybe .

  2. 这些欧洲人以自己身为马耳他人和西西里岛人倍感自豪。

    These Europeans are proud of being Maltese and Sicilian .

  3. 马耳他人最喜爱的体育活动之一是射击和捕鸟。

    One the favourite Maltese sports is shooting or trapping anything that flies .

  4. 马耳他人的高贵气质就是在这一时期形成的。

    The Maltese nobility was established during this period .

  5. 许多马耳他人热衷于英式足球比赛。

    Many Maltese avidly follow English football matches .

  6. 马耳他人常常会为了这项运动杀死鸟类,但也会将它们捕获放在笼中售卖。

    The Maltese normally kill for the sport or trap birds to sell in cages .

  7. 在大英帝国的帮助下,马耳他人开始反抗法兰西统治者。

    The Maltese rebelled against the French forces with the help from the Great Britain .

  8. 这层楼上其它的房间都被一位非常有钱的绅士租去了,他大概是一个西西里人或马耳他人;

    The rest of the floor was hired by a very rich gentleman who was supposed to be a Sicilian or Maltese ;

  9. 马耳他人几乎都是罗马天主教徒,他们深受宗教影响,认为离婚和堕胎是为法律禁止的。意大利电视节目在马耳他颇受关注。

    The Maltese are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic and the influence of the Church is strong , with divorce and abortion still being banned by law .

  10. 例句:我只能告诉您,我对他还没有什么明确的看法。但我认为他可能是个马耳他人。

    EX : I must tell you that I have not come to any decided opinion respecting him , but I think him a Maltese .

  11. 马耳他人被询问国会是否需要推行一部新的法律来规定允许一对夫妻只要连续四年分居之后就可以离婚。

    Maltese voters were asked whether parliament should introduce a new law that would allow couples to obtain a divorce after four years of separation .

  12. 马耳他人以友善和快乐而闻名,加上马耳他温和的气候,是这里成了学习英语的理想地方。

    The people of Malta are famous for being as warm and pleasant as the balmy Maltese weather , making Malta an ideal place to learn English .

  13. 自公元11世纪,阿拉伯人在被驱逐的那个时候起,马耳他人已经在觊觎北方了。

    EVER since the 11th century , when the Arabs were ejected , Malta has looked to the north , says its central-bank governor , Michael Bonello .

  14. 马耳他人(他们这样称呼他)既然发了话,也就够了,大家就都心安理德地到他们的鸽子笼里去了。

    When the Maltese ( for so they called Dant è s ) had said this , it was sufficient , and all went to their bunks contentedly .

  15. 其主要种族是马耳他人(古代迦太基人和腓尼基人的后裔,有意大利和其他地中海祖先的血统),其他包括阿拉伯人、意大利人和英国人。

    The main ethnic group is Maltese ( descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians , with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock ) . Other includes Arabs , Italians , and the British .