
lǘ yǒu
  • backpacker;self-service tour companion
  1. 我问我的驴友对阿尔及利亚的形势有什么看法。

    I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria .

  2. 将旅行轨迹精准定位在地图上,回放美好旅程,是近年来在欧美被驴友和GPS玩家大力推崇的流行玩法。

    Positioning the trajectory precisely on the map and playback beautiful journey become more popular in Europe and the United States .

  3. 为帮助驴友们发掘超值之旅,我们综合借鉴了《今日美国》、美国有线电视新闻网CNN以及《孤独星球》上的相关内容,为您盘点出一系列超值旅行目的地。

    To help travelers in search of value , we 've assembled , with the help of professionals from USA Today , CNN and Lonely Planet , a list of destinations that are worth going to while they 're still cheap .

  4. 通过理论分析、实证研究、设计实践相结合的方式,完成以LBS为技术支持的驴友移动应用开发课题,为驴友户外驴行的自我寻求方法提供了实现途径。

    By the combination of theoretical analysis , empirical research , and design practice , complete the subject of mobile application development for the tour pal based on LBS for technical support , provides the way to self-seeking method of the tour pal outdoor activities .

  5. 我已经决定不当你的驴友了。

    I 've decided not to be your travel companion this time .

  6. 什么案子脑袋挨了一下的驴友他怎么死的

    What ? The hiker with the bashed-in head - how was he killed ?

  7. 驴友,我们赶紧上路吧!

    Let us backpackers hit the road !

  8. 该榜单根据众多驴友的评论评选产生,代表了最热的旅行趋势。

    Based on millions of reviews by travelers , the list reflects the hottest travel trends .

  9. 它并不是什么旅游胜地,甚至在长城驴友中也不出名。

    Not a famous tourist site , it is even not known to most Great Wall hikers .

  10. 《酒吧》走累了,随意进入一家酒吧,小资驴友们最感觉惬意的地方。

    The bars : Getting tired , the travelers could have a good rest in the bars .

  11. 我列了一个简单的情景列表,供你与你的潜在驴友考虑。

    I 've compiled a simple checklist of scenarios for you and your potential travel mate to consider .

  12. 我们采访了四位驴友,他们分别去过榜单中最靠前的四座城市。来看看他们的旅行故事吧!

    We 've interviewed four travelers who have been to the top four cities to let them share their experiences .

  13. 此部分主要介绍了我国理论界和实务界中存在的关于自助游驴友间是否负有安全保障义务的两种不同观点及理由。

    This section introduces two different opinions in theory and practice fields on whether hikers bear safeguard obligation among each other .

  14. 该应用的特点来自无数驴友真实可信的评论,其中详细记录着他们各自的旅行经历。

    The app features hundreds of millions of trusted , unbiased reviews from real travelers detailing their experiences of particular places .

  15. 不常旅行的朋友准备出行前总会请教“驴友”:何处有美景?

    In the unlikely friends prepared to travel before the trip will always ask ," ALICE ": Where there is beauty ?

  16. 什么案子驴友和发动机回火事件我过了一眼警方报告有点平淡无奇了吧

    What , the hiker and the backfire ? I glanced at the police report , a bit obvious , surely ?

  17. 如果你们是驴友,那么他的每一次出游,你都是最佳伴侣;

    If he and you are travel-pals , then you are his best partner each time he goes for a journey ;

  18. 等齐休息好的全体驴友后偶们就顺着金岩旁的山路向韩妃江下游走去了。

    We waited and rested further and gathered all hikingmates , we went down stream alone the river of Princess Han .

  19. 志愿者和志同道合的驴友们固定时间去农场工作,农场提供住宿和家常便饭来交换。

    Volunteers go for a set period to work on a farm with like-minded travelers in exchange for accommodation and home-cooked meals .

  20. 诚然,这些都是那些曾经见过世界上最美风景的老“驴友”的不二选择。

    Yes , this is indeed a trip for sophisticated travelers , for those who have experienced the best the world offers .

  21. 干吗呀?我要收帐篷啊,背上大包,继续我们的驴友之行&喀纳斯之旅。

    What are you doing ? I am breaking camp and packing so as to continue our hike around the Kanas Lake area .

  22. 新西兰曾被很多人视为是驴友徒步旅行、骑自行车以及蹦极跳的天堂,如今它的形象早已今非昔比。

    Once seen by many as a destination for backpackers to hike , bike and bungee jump , New Zealand 's profile is changing .

  23. 坐飞机不要钱,这对于那些热爱旅游但囊中羞涩的驴友们来说无疑具有很大的吸引力。

    Plane not to money , which for those who love to travel but the capsule in run shy of ALICE are undoubtedly very attractive .

  24. 耐心和微笑对人潮涌动的入口、机场工作人员、运输安全管理局甚至是你的“驴友”来说都十分重要。

    Patience and a smile go a long way when it comes to increasingly harried gate and flight attendants , TSA agents and even your fellow travelers .

  25. 许多志同道合的朋友与我一样,喜欢这样的活动,不知不觉中,我已成为一名驴友,虽然有时不能去自己想去的地方。

    There are many friends like me will do this as their favorite sports anyway . I like it although I would have no chance to go the fantastic space I think .

  26. 旅行待办事项任务和行李单助手是现代驴友的必备软件,特别是对于那些习惯拖到最后时刻才打包行李的人,这些人总会落下一些重要物品。

    Packing Pro is a must have for the modern day traveler - particularly for those who have a habit of packing at the very last minute , thereby inevitably forgetting something vital .

  27. 大多数驴友博主在靠网站挣钱之前,花费了一年的时间建立网站,每天发几篇博客,在社交网站上争取追随者。

    Most travel bloggers spend a year building their sites , churning out several posts a day and building up a following on social-media before they ever see any money from their sites .

  28. 驴友随行护士是一款针对旅游人事开发的高科技产品,让您轻松应对旅游过程中的突发问题,是您旅游生活中的随身护士。

    Attendant Nurses for the development of tourism personnel of the high-tech products , makes it easy for you to deal with emergencies in the course of travel is that you 're travelling nurse .

  29. 中午去工地附近买了些海棠果,为的是换些碎银子分给上次地质考察的几位驴友。

    With a little wind , I went to buy some crab apples for some small change so that I could distributed money to those travel fans together with me during the last geological investigation .

  30. 我把旅行计划发到校内论坛上,希望能够招集一些驴友,但很失望没有人敢尝试如此艰难的长途跋涉。

    I posted my plans on the campus forum in hopes that I would find someone to go with me , but to my disappointment no one dared to try such a tough , long journey .