
jià shǐ tái
  • bridge;flying bridge
  1. 船载AIS安装后,驾驶台信息数量的增多将增加驾驶员对目标信息进行分析判断的难度;

    After AIS installed on board the increase in the amount of bridge information will increase the difficulty of analysis and judgement of target information for deck officers .

  2. 完成驾驶台检查单B5,准备好航行计划,船长,所有驾驶员必须明了并签字。

    Bridge check list B5 must be completed , passage planning properly prepared and Master , all navigation officers must understand and signed .

  3. 驾驶台两侧各有一个ARPA雷达。

    There is an ARPA radar on either side .

  4. AIS与已有的驾驶台信息系统性能标准的不统一以及综合显示的问题将在一定程度上加剧驾驶台信息过载的程度。

    The difference between AIS and existing bridge information system performance standards and the lack of integrated display standards make bridge information overloading more seriously .

  5. 在对驾驶台语音进行增强研究中,本文提出了在VDR中利用小波阈值短时谱幅度MMSE(minimummeansquareerror,最小均方误差)估计法的语音增强算法。

    During the research of the bridge speech communication enhancement , this paper proposed to utilize the speech enhancement method of wavelet thresholding MMSE ( Minimum Mean Square Error ) estimation for spectral amplitude algorithm for VDR .

  6. 驾驶台资源管理(BRM)也因此应运而生,成为解决人为失误的主要途径。

    Bridge Resource Management ( BRM ) therefore emerges , as the main method to solve human factor problem .

  7. 驾驶台系统的软硬件设计和实现是仿真实验平台系统的一个重要组成部分,主要包括联动台面板、PCI-1753E板卡和PC机等等。

    The operating worktable , consisting of operating panel , pci-1753E card and personal computer and so on , is the main part of the new system .

  8. 单人驾驶台航海信息综合处理与显示系统

    Integrated navigation information processing and display system for one man bridge

  9. 船长正站立在舰船的驾驶台上。

    The captain was standing on the bridge of his ship .

  10. 船舶驾驶台语音识别实验系统特征提取探讨

    Research in Feature Extraction for the Ship-Bridge Speech Recognition Experiment System

  11. 第六章是驾驶台险情决策;

    Chapter Six is the introduction of decision-making model under emergencies ;

  12. 你船主机是人工控制还是驾驶台控制?

    Is engine & room manned or is engine on bridge control ?

  13. 舵位于驾驶台的中心线上。

    The helm is on the centre line on bridge .

  14. 本船是集装箱船,驾驶台位于船尾。

    She is a container ship , with her bridge aft.

  15. 驾驶台上备有4个火箭抛绳装置。

    Four rocket line-throwing apparatus are stowed on the bridge .

  16. 船长从驾驶台上被慢慢地推了下来。

    The captain was gradually being pushed from the bridge .

  17. 火灾报警系统的后台通信设计与实现驾驶台与驾驶台通信

    The Fire Alarm System 's Backstage Correspondence Design with Realizes

  18. 如需要我到驾驶台,随时叫我。

    Inform me at any time if the bridge needs .

  19. 二副:你应熟悉驾驶台设备。

    Second Officer : You should become familiar with all bridge equipment .

  20. 第四章是驾驶台决策人员决策能力的调查;

    Chapter Four is the investments of bridge decision - maker 's abilities ;

  21. 当时他涉嫌在驾驶台更改航线。

    The moment when he allegedly entered the new course at the helm .

  22. 你可以把主机安装在仪表盘里面或驾驶台。

    You can install the host on the instrument panel or dash board .

  23. 第二章说明驾驶台决策的重要性和意义;

    In Chapter Two , the author states the importance of Bridge Decision-making .

  24. 值班驾驶员:抛下驾驶台左翼“人员落水”救生圈。

    OOW : Drop the port bridge wing " man over-board " lifebuoy .

  25. 对所有船员简介在进驾驶台时如何报告。

    Brief all crew members on how to report in when entering bridge .

  26. 驾驶台电力推进装置操纵台

    Bridge controller Specification for electric propulsion plant in ship

  27. 本船配有综合驾驶台系统。

    The ship is equipped with an Integrated Bridge System ( IBS ) .

  28. 他走了出去,爬上驾驶台。

    He went out and climbed on the platform .

  29. 火警显示面板位于驾驶台的后部。

    The fire alarm indication panels are at the rear of the bridge .

  30. 安全行为科学与驾驶台资源管理

    Safety conduct science and ship bridge resources management