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xiāo yǒng
  • valiant;brave
骁勇 [xiāo yǒng]
  • [brave] 勇猛

  • 那唐僧的徒弟,又有些骁勇,乱忙中,四下里都寻觅不见。--《西游记》

骁勇[xiāo yǒng]
  1. 事实证明,AB公司不愧是善打硬仗的骁勇之师。

    Facts have proved that , AB Corporation is the brave teacher who worthily fights a hard battle friendly .

  2. 我并不恐惧但我从不骁勇。

    I have no fear but I am not brave .

  3. 骁勇不足以对抗敌军炮火。

    Courage could not avail against the enemy fire .

  4. 正是这种骁勇让我们赢得了独立;

    It was this valor that won our independence .

  5. 这些个怕羞的狗熊,这些个害臊而骁勇的捕鲸者!

    these bashful bears , these timid warrior whalemen !

  6. 高地斧兵是来自苏格兰高地剽悍骁勇的战士。

    Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands .

  7. 他们那骁勇尚武的声誉。

    Their reputation for being fierce and warlike .

  8. 紫色:表现骁勇、刚毅、正直、坚强、胆大。

    Purple : Stand for valiancy , hardihood , honesty , strong and brave .

  9. 这个无忧无虑的人,既不畏葸,也不骁勇;

    A happy-go-lucky ; neither craven nor valiant ;

  10. 这些骑兵装备长矛、狼牙棒和盾牌,近身搏杀极为骁勇,令敌军丧胆。

    These men are equipped for close fighting with spears , maces and shields .

  11. 我知道了,骁勇班?

    I 've got it , Squad Formidable ?

  12. 石器时代的不列颠人骁勇好斗,连年互相发动战争。

    The Britons were a fierce , Stone Age people constantly making war on each other .

  13. 人数不多,但个个骁勇的社团。

    A small , valiant community .

  14. 这种骁勇捍卫我们的生活方式和神圣的自由遍布在美国历史上。

    Throughout American history , this valor has preserved our way of life and our sacred freedoms .

  15. 民兵们装备短矛和盾牌,以作战骁勇闻名遐迩。

    These troops are armed with a short spear and shield and are known for their determination in battle .

  16. 哈比人一定显得不重要,因为我们既不是骁勇的战士也不被认为特别有智慧。

    Hobbits must seem of little importance , being neither renowned as great warriors nor counted among the very wise .

  17. 这些骁勇剽悍的猛士生性好战,在任何军队中都堪称精锐。

    These wild and hardy warriors live for battle , whether it be with an army or a smaller raiding force .

  18. 与终身服务的骑士团同僚相比,他们使用的骑枪较轻,但仍不失为精锐重骑兵,作战极为骁勇剽悍。

    While equipped with a lighter lance than their lifetime serving brethren , these excellent heavy cavalry troops are no less fearsome in battle .

  19. 尽管他们在战场上无法如真正骑士一般骁勇,但凭借长矛利剑,在对抗轻装部队时仍颇为出色。

    Although they cannot compare to real knights in battle , with their spears and swords they can perform valuable service against lighter enemies .

  20. 大漠英豪—成吉思汗成吉思汗之名可能会使许多人想起征伐骁勇策马远离,在他身后只留下焚毁的城市与遍野堆积的尸骸。

    The name Genghis Khan probably makes many people think of conquering warriors on horseback leaving burning cities and piles of dead bodies behind them .

  21. 这些骁勇骑士是护卫将领安危的忠诚卫队,战场上几无任何敌军堪与之匹敌。

    These warriors are the general 's personal guard , fiercely loyal and disciplined there is little this unit cannot take on and not come out on top .

  22. 那个船长被他这种奋不顾身的骁勇,被他那份要到文明人的国度去的热望感动了,终于发了慈悲心,对他说,他可以安心留下来。

    Struck by his desperate dauntlessness , and his wild desire to visit Christendom , the captain at last relented , and told him he might make himself at home .

  23. 形式主义文论以与“材料”相对的“形式”概念的推出骁勇,将审美批评引入到了一个新的境地。

    The formalist literary theory takes the initiative to interpret form from a new perspective in parallel with the concept of " material " and pushes the aesthetic criticism to a higher level .

  24. 他80岁那年死去的时候,佛罗伦萨人为他举行了国葬,并为他画像以纪念骁勇无比的战士,杰出的领袖乔凡尼阿库托先生。

    When he died at the age of eighty , the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had a picture which was dedicated to the memeory of ' the most valiant soldier and most notable leader , Signor Giovanni Haukodue ' .