
qí shù
  • horsemanship;equestrian skill;equitation
骑术 [qí shù]
  • [horsemanship] 骑马的技艺;骑马的技术

骑术[qí shù]
  1. 她为自己的骑术感到自豪。

    She is proud of her horsemanship .

  2. 哥萨克人以骑术和剑术著称。

    Cossacks were famous for their horsemanship and their skill with the sword .

  3. 她在德文郡开了一个骑术学校。

    She runs a riding school in Devon .

  4. 他们已经在英国各地的花式骑术比赛中赢得了100多枚玫瑰花形奖章。

    They have won over 100 rosettes together in dressage competitions up and down Britain .

  5. 玛丽的骑术比他们俩都要好,而且她擅长户外运动。

    Mary was a better rider than either of them and she excelled at outdoor sports

  6. 他们的骑术都很高超。turnouttobe原来,证明是波兰的收益或许最后被证明是印度的损失。

    Poland 's gain may turn out to be India 's loss .

  7. 多年以前,也是在下午的四点,她鼓起勇气敲响了RuydaCámara位于利马的骑术学校的门。

    It was also at four in the afternoon that she had dared to knock , years before , at the door of Ruy da C á mara 's riding school in Lima .

  8. 我不能去我要跟丹尼尔上骑术课

    I can 't. I have a riding lesson with Daniel .

  9. 盛装舞步骑术、障碍赛和三日赛每个项目包括个人和团体比赛。

    Jumping and three-day event-each with individual and team competition .

  10. 当人们急需娱乐消遣时,即使是花式骑术比赛都有会观众去看。

    When people are desperate for distraction even dressage has its place .

  11. 小侏儒的骑术和尿艺比如何?

    Does your dwarf ride as well as he pisses ?

  12. 其他职工包括骑术指导和为徒步旅行者及野营者当向导的人员等。

    Other employees include riding instructors and guides for hikers and campers .

  13. 迈拉是最小的孩子,骑术女王。

    Myra , the youngest , was a rodeo queen .

  14. 来自不同的国家的骑手展示他们漂亮的衣服和他们良好的骑术。

    Horsemen from different nations display their beautiful clothes and their fine horsemanship .

  15. 我怎么会知道你们根本都不懂骑术?

    How was I supposed to hnow you couldn 't ride at all ?

  16. 骑术利头脑,诸如此类。

    riding for the head ; and the like .

  17. 那是我有生第一次教他骑术。

    That was the first and last time I gave him a riding lesson .

  18. 而且你的骑术精良,用双手轻抚着引领马儿。

    And you ride the horse so well , hands light to the touch .

  19. 我不明白我称赞他的骑术,你干吗要发火。

    I don 't see why you need fire up when I admire his riding .

  20. 他们的骑术都很高超。

    They all showed extraordinary equestrian skill .

  21. 你的身体语言以及你的马的身体语言表达反映出你的骑术技能。

    Your body language , and that of your horse , express your equestrian skill .

  22. 别为科莫担心他骑术不赖

    Don 't worry about Kemal . He knows what he 's doing on a horse .

  23. 许多的骑术项目例如超越障碍,或者拔营钉的竞赛,在此地举办以普及骑马活动。

    Many equestrian events like show jumping and tent pegging were held to popularize riding in the region .

  24. 当时的骑术老师是一名伊朗军队的团长,他非常严厉&不允许弱者存在。

    My teacher , a colonel in the Iranian army , was very tough & there was no mollycoddling .

  25. 当然,卡洛琳的骑术比我好

    Of course , Caroline 's a much better rider than l , of course . Oh , yes .

  26. 丹尼:不是,但我每个星期可以到本地的骑马训练场免费上一次骑术课。

    Danny : Not quite : I 've got a free weekly riding lesson at the local riding stables .

  27. 高超的骑术意味着体内有一个雷达,即一种能理解动物感觉的能力。

    To ride well means to have an inner radar , an ability to understand what the animal feels .

  28. 在长城以北游牧部落一直到处漂泊,发展了骑术、袭击和战斗技能。

    To the north , nomadic tribes have always roamed , developing skill of horsemanship , raiding , and warfare .

  29. 牛仔是我在阿马里洛一个同志骑术表演上找到的他是同志现在不是

    And I got the cowboy at a gay rodeo in Amarillo . He 's gay ? Not right now .

  30. 爱尔兰标枪骑兵盔甲简陋,但骑术极佳,面对敌军标枪如雨。

    These young squires are excellent horsemen , they wear little armour and are fast and very accurate with the javelin .