
  1. 本文重点对骗取贷款罪的犯罪构成所暗含的立法技术进行解构,并论及其司法认定的疑难问题。

    This article focuses on the crime of obtaining credit legislation constitute implicit deconstruction of technology , and the judicial determination of the difficult problems .

  2. 处理骗取贷款罪与高利转贷罪的竞合时,主要是看行为人的主观目的。

    When dealing with the co-petition of crime of cheating loan and crime of transferring loan at high interest transferring loan at high interest , it mainly depends on the subjective aspect of the doer .

  3. 在金融犯罪日益成为刑事犯罪领域重灾区的时代背景下,贷款领域的犯罪行为亦在蔓延,然而法网的相对稳定性后滞后性对骗取贷款罪的立法特点具有特别的要求。

    Financial crime is increasingly becoming the field of criminal offenses " disaster area " in the background , lending the area of crime to spread . However , the relative stability of the French Open after the lag on the characteristics of the Crime of obtaining credit .

  4. 骗取贷款、信用罪之立法解析

    Legislation of Cheating Loan and Credit of Crime is Analytical