
gǔ xiǎo liáng
  • bone trabecula
骨小梁[gǔ xiǎo liáng]
  1. 由于在病理上组织成份的不同,MRI所呈现的信号特点依赖于骨小梁、细胞成份及胶原纤维的多少。

    Because organizes the ingredient in the pathology the difference , MRI presents does the signal characteristic rely on bone trabecula , how many the cell ingredient and collagenous fibers .

  2. 在股骨头内,出现不同程度的骨小梁及骨髓组织坏死,是股骨头坏死的本质特征。

    The essence of osteonecrosis of femoral head is the existing necrosis of bone trabecula and morrow tissue .

  3. X射线显微CT用于大鼠骨小梁结构分析的研究

    A Quantitative Trabecular Structural Analysis Using X-Ray Micro CT in Ovariectomized Rats

  4. 结果:CT很好的显示骨小梁和皮质骨侵犯,骨膜反应和基质的钙化、骨化。

    Results CT best demonstrates trabecular and cortical bone involvement , periosteal reaction and matrix calcifications and ossifications .

  5. N组大部缺损仍存在,中心部位无新生骨小梁。

    In N group , most defects still existed , no new bone structure found in central district of defects .

  6. 目的探讨MRI对膝关节骨小梁损伤的诊断和临床应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the value and clinical significance of MRI in diagnosis of subcortical trabecular injury in knee .

  7. 用户互动电脑直方图绘制技术使推导重复性的CT号码肌肉,脂肪,和骨小梁。

    A user interactive computerized histogram plotting technique enabled the derivation of reproducible CT numbers for muscle , fat , and trabecular bone .

  8. X射线平片指数:股骨头形态无变化,应力骨小梁清晰,坏死区明显缩小为3分;

    X-ray film index : no changes in femoral head appearance , clear stress trabecular bone , and the necrosis region shorted as 3 marks ;

  9. 组织学检查:第2周实验组与对照组骨小梁密度值无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Histology examinations : At two weeks , the Trabecular Bone Density Values in the two groups presented no obvious distinction ( P0.05 ) .

  10. CT扫描15个股骨头显示骨小梁扭曲,12个股骨头内见多种形态高密度硬化区,其中3个股骨头合并低密度区。

    CT scans demonstrated distorted trabeculae in 15 femoral heads , and polymorphous high density sclerosis in 12 , and in 3 of the 12 there was also low density area .

  11. CS患者BMD与骨小梁微结构均低于正常人和AIS患者。

    Both BMD and trabecular bone microstructure in CS patients were lower than those in normal control and AIS patients .

  12. 图像分析表明:胎儿顶骨内BMP阳性的骨小梁及成骨细胞的平均灰度值(0~255,black~white)随胎龄增加而呈上升趋势。

    The results of microimage analysis showed that the average grey value ( 0 ~ 255 , black ~ white ) of BMP positive osteoblasts and trabeculae of fetal parietal bones increased with the increase of gestational age .

  13. 结果OVX组大鼠较假手术组骨小梁体积百分比(TBV%)显著下降;类骨质体积百分比(OSV%)明显升高(P<0.05);

    RESULTS : The trabecular volume was significantly lower in OVX group rats than that in sham group rats , while osteoid seam was significantly higher .

  14. 方法:采用计算机自动识别,在通用PC平台上改进,使骨小梁间隙能够自动识别,在处理的过程中对人机对话进行了改进,使之能处理原始图像不够完善的情况。

    METHODS : With computer automatic recognition , improved on the PC platform , bone intertrabecular space could be recognized automatically . In the process of treatment , human machine dialogue was improved , which could dispose the situation of original unflawless image .

  15. 采用配对t检验,分别对实验组和对照组的MTT、ALP、OCN和新生骨小梁面积进行统计学分析。

    The results of MTT , ALP , OCN and areas of newly formed trabeculae of the experimental group and the control group were evaluated with paired t test respectively .

  16. 肾辐射组股骨干重、灰重、腰椎和股骨BMD明显降低;骨小梁体积和骨小梁宽度减少,骨小梁间距增加,MAR减小;

    The dry and ash weight , BMD of femur and lumbar were significantly reduced , volume and width of bone trabecula were distinctly decreased and the space increased in model group .

  17. 牵张结束时,血管密度由骨小梁形成区带(MCF)向纤维区带(FIZ)递减;

    At the end of distraction , microvessel density was decreased from microcolumn formation ( MCF ) zone to fibrous interzone ( FIZ );

  18. 目的本研究通过股骨转子间解剖标本骨小梁计数,应用DR平片来计算骨质强度,然后针对临床病例进行疗效对比,得出相应界限值,来指导以后内置物的选择。

    Objective : To investigate the anatomical specimens intertrochanteric trabecular bone mineral density count ratio and plain film by DR to estimate bone strength , and then compared against the clinical efficacy of proportion , draw the corresponding threshold , to guide the choice of future implant .

  19. Me-2D序列显示椎体局部受累病灶边缘及骨小梁结构清晰。

    The margin of focal metastatic lesion within vertebral body as well as the bone trabeculae were clearly displayed on GRE Me-2D .

  20. 结果:加入sOGP后,大鼠BMSCs形态发生明显变化,随着培养时间延长,可见有致密的细胞结节和骨小梁样结构出现,电镜观察显示细胞处于功能活跃状态。

    Results : After treated with sOGP , BMSCs of rats had obvious changes in morphology . The cellular nodule and the ossicle structure appeared in the cultured cells . The electromicroscope shows the activated status of the cells .

  21. 丽春红三色显微镜下观察结果显示:3个月时BG组螺钉周围骨量增多,骨小梁更密集,且对螺钉包裹紧密,螺钉-骨界面骨质情况明显优于空白组。

    Ponceau staining under microscope showed that the bone mass around the screw was much more and the bone trabecular was close-packed and wrapped the screws tightly in BG group of 3 month time stamp , the bone substance of the bone-screw interface surpassed the control group .

  22. 术后30d,N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖组断端之间全部为骨小梁填充,骨髓腔骨小梁将要穿通,骨小梁周围成骨细胞排列整齐间有破骨细胞;

    On postoperative day 30 , the bone defect were completely filled by bone trabecula in N-acetylglucosamine group , with the bone trabecula almost communicating with the bone marrow cavity , and the osteoblasts surrounding the bone trabecula were arranged orderly with osteoclasts seldom observed ;

  23. 是否存在超微小梁?&骨小梁微破裂及微骨痂的扫描电镜观察

    Do ultra-trabeculae exist & SEM observations on bone microcracking and microcallus

  24. 此外还可见骨小梁的显微骨痂样组织。

    In addition , microstructure callus-like tissue is visible of trabecular bone .

  25. 正常成年山羊下颌骨髁状突骨小梁排列方向的定量研究

    A quantitative study on the orientation of condylar trabeculae in adult goat

  26. 肱骨大结节内骨小梁变化与年龄的关系

    Morphological changes with age of bone trabeculae in greater tubercle of humerus

  27. 4周时钻孔区内充满新生骨小梁结构;

    And then drilled holes were filled of trabeculae at 4 weeks .

  28. 别光告诉我你们研究骨小梁,

    Don 't just tell me that you study trabeculae ,

  29. 大鼠去势后对颌骨和股骨骨小梁结构的影响

    Effects on structure of mandibles and femurs in ovariectomized rats

  30. 骨小梁表面胶原纤维断裂、紊乱。

    The collagen fibrils on trabecula surface were scrappy , thinner and breaking .