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qià yāo jī
  • iliopsoas
髂腰肌[qià yāo jī]
  1. 这个动作能拉伸髂腰肌,但不应产生疼痛。

    This elongates the iliopsoas but it should not hurt .

  2. 方法176例全部采用双侧髂腰肌加强盆底肌直肠悬吊术治疗。

    Methods 176 children underwent bilateral iliopsoas to strengthen the muscles of pelvic floor and rectal suspension .

  3. 髂腰肌囊积液的临床、CT诊断

    CT and Clinical Diagnosis of Dropsy in the Bursa of Iliopsoas Muscle

  4. 髂腰肌囊扩张的临床与MRI分析

    MRI and clinical analysis of enlarged iliopsoas bursa

  5. 目的分析髂腰肌囊积液的CT表现,探讨其发病机制和鉴别诊断。

    Objective To analyze CT findings of dropsy in the bursa of iliopsoas muscle , and to discuss its etiology , clinical diagnosis and differentiation .

  6. 髂腰肌盆底悬吊术结合Malone顺行灌肠治疗神经性大便失禁

    Suspension of pelvic floor in combination with Malone antegrade continence enema for neurogenic faecal incontinence

  7. 目的评价B超引导下经皮穿刺置管引流(PCD)结合全身抗痨治疗结核性髂腰肌脓肿的适应证和临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the indications and efficiency of ultrasonography guided percutaneous catheter drainage ( PCD ) combined with antituberculosis chemotherapy in the management of tuberculous iliopsoas abscesses .

  8. 加里•圭列罗(GaryGuerriero)是位于纽约的美国运动训练中心(USAthleticTrainingCenter)的合伙人,每年为数百名背痛患者提供治疗。他说,背痛源于整日久坐导致的髂腰肌紧张。

    Gary Guerriero , co-owner of the US Athletic Training Center in New York , who treats hundreds of patients a year with back pain , says the problem stems from a tightening of the iliopsoas muscle complex when you sit all day .

  9. 目的探讨髂腰肌盆底悬吊术结合Malone顺行灌肠治疗神经性大便失禁的临床应用价值。

    Objective To assess the result of pelvic floor suspension with iliopsoas in combination with Malone antegrade continence enema ( MACE ) as a treatment for neurogenic faecal incontinence .

  10. 髂腰肌综合征(附9例报告)

    Treatment of patients with iliopsoas syndrome ( with 9 cases )

  11. 髂腰肌对髋关节功能的实验性研究

    Specialized Experiments to the Iliopsoas for the Function of the Hip

  12. 髂腰肌血肿致股神经麻痹1例

    Femoral nerve paralysis caused by iliopsoas muscular hematon : a case report

  13. 股骨头缺血坏死并髂腰肌囊扩张的影像学表现

    Imaging Manifestations of Enlarged Iliopsoas Bursa in Ischemic Necrosis of Femoral Head

  14. 髂腰肌筋膜间室综合征的诊断和治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of the compartment syndrome of iliopsoas muscle

  15. 髂腰肌囊扩张的影像学诊断

    CT and MRI diagnosis of enlarged iliopsoas bursa

  16. 经皮穿刺置管引流结合抗痨治疗结核性髂腰肌脓肿

    Percutaneous catheter drainage combined with antituberculosis chemotherapy in the management of tuberculous iliopsoas abscesses

  17. 中西医结合治疗髂腰肌血肿致股神经麻痹

    Iliopsoas muscle hematoma with femoral nerve paralysis treated by combined Chineses and western medicine

  18. 髂腰肌也从关节囊上被钝性剥离并向内侧牵开。

    The iliopsoas is also separated from the capsule by blunt dissection and retracted medially .

  19. 尿道膀胱反流的临床研究髂腰肌加强盆底肌膀胱成形术治疗小儿神经源性尿失禁

    Strengthened pelvic floor by iliopsoas muscles and cystoplasty in the treatment of neurogenic urine incontinence

  20. 转移部分髂腰肌止端至盆底的解剖学研究

    Anatomic Study of Transferring Part of the End of Iliopsoas Muscle to the Pelvic Botton

  21. 内收肌髂腰肌切断手法复位治疗小儿先天性髋脱位

    Treatment of congenital dislocation of hip in children with adductor and iliopsoas tenotomies and manual reduction

  22. 目的:总结髂腰肌筋膜间室综合征诊治体会。

    Objective To sum up diagnosis and treatment experience of the compartment syndrome of iliopsoas muscle .

  23. 人髂腰肌神经的显微解剖和大鼠髂腰肌的复合动作电位研究带血管肋间神经与髂腰肌支吻接重建屈髋功能应用解剖

    Applied anatomic study on functional reconstruction of stepping forward with vascularized intercostal nerves suturing to iliopsoas nerve

  24. 其次是,髂腰肌肌腱发出的声音&原因是,髂腰肌肌腱应该从髋关节前面滑过,却碰到了盆骨。

    It is caused when the tendon which should slide over the front of the hip joint catches on the pelvis .

  25. 结论:髂腰肌加强盆底肌、直肠悬吊术是治疗神经源性大便失禁的一种较好术式。

    Corclusior : the strengthened pelvic floormuscles by iliopsoas muscles and rectal suspension is a good method for neurogenic fecal incontinence .

  26. 髂腰肌周围血肿形成及骨折块直接损伤是髋臼骨折合并股神经损伤的常见原因;

    Fragment stabbing and compres - sion of hematoma around iliopsoas muscle are the common causes of femoral nerve injury following ace - tabular fractures .

  27. 但因小转子位于内后方又有髂腰肌的牵引对其的复位固定是很困难的。

    However , difficulties are showed to restore and fix the continuity of the lesser trochanteric because it is located inside the rear and towed by the iliopsoas .

  28. 髂腰肌由腰大肌和髂肌组成,起自背部下方,经盆骨连于腿部。

    These are two muscles , the psoas major and the iliacus , which run from the lower back over the pelvis bone and connect on the leg .

  29. 髂腰肌就如同小提琴的琴弦一般,下腹部随着髂腰肌的绷紧而受到向前和向下的牵拉,给背部下方造成压力。

    What happens is that the iliopsoas complex becomes like the strings of a violin : as they tighten , the abdomen is pulled forward and down , causing pressure on the lower back .

  30. 在解剖基准位,髂腰肌、耻骨肌、长收肌、短收肌、大收肌下部对髋关节有旋内功能;

    At standard anatomic attitude , the iliopsoas , pectineus , adductor longus , adductor brevis , lower part of adductor magnus have the function of inside-revolve to hip joint and gracilis has outside-revolve function .