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gāo xià
  • High and low;good and bad;relative superiority or inferiority
高下 [gāo xià]
  • [relative superiority or inferiority;good and bad] 指高低、优劣(用于比较双方的水平)

  • 两个人的技术不分高下

高下[gāo xià]
  1. 裁判无法把两位参赛者分出高下。

    The judges found it impossible to separate the two contestants .

  2. 在领导选举中,他欲与首相一决高下。

    He intends to oppose the prime minister in the leadership election .

  3. 律师和会计师都觉得他们要一争高下。

    Lawyers and accountants felt that they were being pitted against each other .

  4. 4名候选人将在一场肮脏的竞选中一决高下。

    Four candidates are slugging it out in a dirty campaign .

  5. 比赛难分高下,最终西班牙以3比2击败波兰。

    It was a close run thing before Spain beat Poland 3-2

  6. 她几乎能和任何一名选手一较高下。

    She can hold her own against almost any player .

  7. 最近的一次民意测验显示两个主要政党难分高下。

    The latest polls indicate that the two main parties are neck and neck

  8. 从竞选活动的第一天起,国家党和自由党的领导人就难分高下。

    On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck .

  9. 他们只被教过要和其他男人一较高下,所以一个成功的女人会令他们觉得特别失败。

    They 've only been trained to compete with other men , so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser .

  10. 他一直是开路先锋,让英国短跑选手相信我们能与世界上最好的运动员一决高下,并且击败他们。

    He has been the trailblazer and given British sprinters the belief that we are able to take on and beat the world 's best .

  11. 两人的技术不分高下。

    The two of them are equally matched in their skills .

  12. 实际的比赛与所得的分数相比难分高下。

    The game was closer than the score suggests .

  13. 有句老话说得好:常与同好争高下,莫与傻瓜论短长。

    There goes an old saying : We would rather fight with a sensible person than argue with an idiot .

  14. 现在,林肯将在大选中与共和党国会议员布兹曼(JohnBoozman)一决高下。

    Now , Senator Lincoln faces Republican congressman John Boozman in the general election .

  15. 事实上很多人遭遇离岸流(ripcurrent)时不会想着要避开,而是希望能和这股水流一决高下。

    Most people won 't actually try to run away from a rip current ; they probably hope to outswim it .

  16. 在6月28日,谷歌还以颜色,发布了社交网路平台Google+,以与Facebook一争高下。

    On June28th Google hit back , unveiling Google + , a social-network platform to rival Facebook .

  17. 在2008年,我们预计Google能够更加成熟,成为一套功能完整的办公套件,在一定程度上可以与微软的Office一争高下。

    In2008 we expect to see Google Apps mature into a more complete and functional suite , something that can take on Microsoft Office .

  18. 三星公司将凭借GalaxyS智能手机与苹果公司一较高下。

    Samsung Electronics is ratcheting up its rivalry with Apple with its new Galaxy S smartphone .

  19. 华为已有开发语音控制搜索及应答助理的计划,希望与苹果(Apple)、亚马逊(Amazon)等西方科技巨头一较高下。

    Huawei has plans to rival the big western technology groups such as Apple and Amazon in creating voice-controlled search and response assistants .

  20. 他的工作重点是开发云计算技术,该技术将使运营商能与谷歌和亚马逊(Amazon)之类企业一争高下。

    His focus is on developing cloud computing technology that will enable carriers to compete with the likes of Google and Amazon .

  21. 彭博表示,该系列配备先进的摄像头和技术参数,可以与苹果(Apple)、三星(Samsung)等对手的畅销机型一较高下。

    Mr Peng says they will have an advanced camera and specifications to match the top selling handsets of rivals such as Apple and Samsung .

  22. MIT的计划包括解决当地和区域需求,以及为希望与全球一流科技初创企业一较高下的创业者们提供帮助。

    MIT pitches ranged from addressing local and regional needs to aspirants looking to compete with world-class global technology start-ups .

  23. 问题在于,Nexus7能否打败KindleFire,并与苹果可能在未来数月推出的产品一争高下?

    Question is , can the nexus 7 eclipse the kindle fire and compete with whatever Apple may unveil in the coming months ?

  24. 与此相反,瑞士的组织则颇具章法,但同H组的其它球队一样,要想与西班牙相互抗衡,一争高下,可以难点,他们的目标是能够与对方逼平,双方握手言和即可。

    On the other hand , Switzerland is fairly well organized and , like every other Group H side , will look to make things hard on Spain and aim for a draw .

  25. 黑莓曾拍胸脯表示要推出一款触屏手机,能和iPhone一较高下,或者说可以和许多在它之后问世的搭载谷歌(Google)安卓(Android)系统的手机相抗衡。

    BlackBerry promised a touchscreen phone that could rival the iPhone or the many the Android phones developed by Google ( GOOG ) that had appeared in its wake .

  26. 随着中型家轿市场的竞争愈演愈烈,日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCo.)希望新款天籁(Altima)能成为手中的终极武器,借此与头号竞争对手丰田(Toyota)一较高下。

    Nissan Motor Co. is betting its new altima will be the ultimate weapon in its battle to top rival Toyota in the hard-fought market for family sedans .

  27. 这款跑车的操控性也异乎寻常的出色。它搭载了一款312马力的V6发动机,应该可以与福特野马在短程加速赛中一较高下。

    With a base V-6 engine that produces 312 horsepower , it should face off nicely against the Mustang in stop-light drag races .

  28. 就在小米推出这款廉价入门级产品的几天前,三星(Samsung)刚升级了它自己的VR头盔,以此与谷歌打造的“白日梦”VR平台(DaydreamVR)一争高下。

    Xiaomi 's low-priced entry comes just days after Samsung updated its headset , and puts it in competition with Google 's efforts to build a VR platform called Daydream .

  29. 现在,既然Rhapsody的商业模式已经得到广泛认可,它要做的就是找到办法,与采取了相同模式的强敌一决高下。

    Now that its model has been widely accepted , Rhapsody has to find a way to deal with tough competitors that have adopted it too .

  30. 美国的高尔夫运动员魏圣美(MichelleWie)13岁时曾被认为是一名可与男球手一争高下的种子选手。

    At 13 , Michelle Wie , the U.S. golfer , was supposed to evolve into a player who could compete with men .