
  1. 由此可见,供应商在高技术制造业供应链管理中扮演着重要的角色。

    Therefore , supplier plays an important role in supply chain management for high-tech enterprises .

  2. 高技术制造业增加值比上年增长14.0%。

    The value added growth for the high-tech industry was14.0 percent against the previous year .

  3. 官员们在鼓励逐步淘汰低端出口产品,同时在提倡服务业和高技术制造业。

    Officials have encouraged phasing out low-end exports in favor of promoting the service sector and high-tech manufacturing .

  4. 研究结果表明,文化创意产业与许多产业部门有着密切的投入产出关系,特别是高技术制造业和知识密集型服务业。

    The results show that the cultural-creative industries have close input-output relationship with many sectors , especially with the high-technology manufacturing and knowledge-intensive service industries .

  5. 供应商作为高技术制造业原材料的主要来源,其质量、供货能力等直接决定了最终产品的情况,并最终影响到企业的竞争力。

    As main source of high-tech enterprise raw materials , suppliers ' quality , delivery capability and other factors determine directly the final product , and affect the competitiveness of enterprises .

  6. 因此,下周,我将与企业和大学一道,采取行动推动高技术制造业,吸引壮大中产阶级所需要的这类好的新工作。

    So next week , I 'll join companies and colleges and take action to boost the high-tech manufacturing that attracts the kind of good new jobs a growing middle class requires .

  7. 这是我不仅使美国成为容纳更多高技术制造业的国家,还使美国能吸引更多壮大中产阶级所需好工作的努力的一部分。

    It 's part of my push not only to make America home to more high-tech manufacturing-but to make America more attractive for the good jobs that a growing middle class requires .

  8. 投资于高技术制造业、清洁能源和创造新就业机会的基础设施等行业-更不要说帮助人们获得这些新岗位所需的技能的职业培训了。

    To invest in things like high-tech manufacturing , clean energy , and the infrastructure that creates good new jobs - not to mention the job training that helps folks earn new skills to fill those jobs .

  9. 我国制造业规模跃居全球首位,高技术制造业增加值年均增长13.4%,成为国民经济重要先导性、支柱性产业;

    China 's manufacturing industry became the largest in the world . With added-value growing at an average annual rate of 13.4 % during the past five years , high-tech manufacturing has become a leading pillar of the economy .

  10. 我国高技术产业和制造业种群演化规律的生态研究

    Ecology investigation on China 's high-tech industries and manufacturing industries evolution law

  11. 加快发展高技术产业和装备制造业。

    We will accelerate development of high-tech industries and equipment manufacturing .

  12. 我国又诞生一大批具有自主知识产权的技术和产品,推动了战略高技术产业和先进制造业发展。

    The independent intellectual technology and production are promote the strategically high-tech industries and advanced manufacturing industry .

  13. 同时,在这里我还宣布建立一家新的工厂,将更多高薪水、高技术的制造业工作岗位吸引到国内。

    I 'm also here to establish a new hub that will attract more good-paying , high-tech manufacturing jobs to our shores .