
  • 网络unemployed population
  1. 失业人口构成的空间分布差异分析

    Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Unemployed Population 's Constitution

  2. 武汉市失业人口与失业率特征

    Characteristics of Unemployed Population and Unemployed Rate in Wuhan

  3. 失业人口现已突破三百万大关。

    Unemployment has now passed the three million mark .

  4. 失业人口现在已超过了300万大关。

    Unemployment is now past the 3 million mark .

  5. 像托特纳姆和佩卡姆这样的内陆地区失业人口达1/4。

    One in four people are now jobless in inner areas like Tottenham and Peckham .

  6. 因为要救济300万失业人口,公共支出即将被耗尽。

    Public expenditure was being stretched to the limit by having to support 3 million unemployed people .

  7. 如果我们能得到该国失业人口的真实数字就好了。

    It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven 't got a job

  8. 该报道指责政府的无能导致了失业人口激增。

    The report blamed government incompetence for the surging unemployment .

  9. 英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)表示,今年第一季度,英国失业人口增加逾200万,这是1997年以来的首次。

    Unemployment rose above 2m in the first quarter for the first time since 1997 the office for National Statistics said .

  10. 在1929年大崩溃(GreatCrash)后,德国国内生产总值(GDP)下滑30%,失业人口达600万。

    Gross domestic product in Germany fell by 30 per cent after the Great Crash in 1929 , and unemployment reached 6m .

  11. 英镑汇率周三大幅下挫,此前有数据显示,英国2月份失业人口大幅增加,同时英国央行(bankofengland)未来数月可能会进一步实行量化宽松政策。

    Sterling sold off heavily on Wednesday after UK unemployment jumped in February , while the Bank of England looked on course for further quantitative easing in the coming months .

  12. 实证分析结果表明,出口、进口、城镇失业人口之间存在唯一的协整关系;同时存在两个方向的Granger因果关系:进口增长是出口增长的原因;

    The empirical result shows that there exists a unique co-integration relationship , and there are two unidirectional Granger-causality relationships from import to export , and from import to town unemployment .

  13. 本文利用1978~2005年的年度数据,采用协整分析技术、误差修正模型和多变量Granger因果关系检验方法,检验了我国出口、进口、城镇失业人口之间的关系。

    Based on the annual data from 1978 to 2005 about the export , import and town unemployment in China , this paper use co-integration analysis , vector error correction model and granger causality test to prove their relationship .

  14. 联合国下属机构国际劳工组织(ILO)的预测显示,今年世界上15岁至24岁的失业人口将增加50万,至7100万。

    The number of unemployed 15 - to 24-year-olds in the world is set to swell by half a million this year to 71m , according to forecasts from the International Labour Organisation , the UN agency .

  15. 城市失业人口权利义务状况探析

    A Research on the Right and Obligation Status of City Unemployed People

  16. 浙江省失业人口特征研究

    A Study on the Characteristics of the Unemployment Population in Zhejiang Province

  17. 山西劳动力资源、就业与失业人口现状及发展预测

    About Shanxi 's Labour Resources , Empolyment and Unemployment Situation

  18. 1400万失业人口中没有多少人能做到这一点。

    Not many of the 14m unemployed can do that .

  19. 欠发达地区城镇失业人口问题及对策分析&以贵阳市为个案

    An Analysis on Unemployment Population and its Countermeasure in Guiyang

  20. 问题14全球新增失业人口来自哪里?

    Question 14 . Where is the increased world unemployment mostly from ?

  21. 失业人口的生活主要依靠家庭其他成员。

    The unemployed people are mainly supported by their family .

  22. 失业人口越多,可获得的就业机会越少。

    More unemployed people , fewer jobs available for them .

  23. 马克思的相对过剩人口理论与当前我国的失业人口问题

    Marx 's Relative Overpopulation Theory and the Present Issue of Unemployment in China

  24. 可持续发展必须关注农村失业人口

    Sustainable Development Must Care the Unemployment in the Countryside

  25. 2008年的金融危机给各国经济造成巨大创伤,失业人口也在不断增长。

    2008 financial crisis results enormous trauma and the unemployed population are growing now .

  26. 中国城镇失业人口状况

    The Situation of the Chinese Urban Unemployed Population

  27. 南京市失业人口状况分析

    An Analysis on Unemployed Population of Nanjing City

  28. 11月份,共有11000新失业人口。

    In November , 11000 jobs were lost .

  29. 失业人口已经上升到了差不多8百万。

    Unemployment has risen to almost eight million .

  30. 城市失业人口比率被用来衡量劳动力市场的严峻程度。

    It is used as a gauge of how tight the labor market is .