
shī zhònɡ zhuànɡ tài
  • condition of weightlessness
  1. 太空人很快就习惯了失重状态。

    The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness .

  2. 海伦描述了她身处太空时失重状态下的生活。

    Helen described life in a weightless environment during her period in space .

  3. 那些宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应失重状态。

    The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness

  4. 方法:SD大鼠通过尾部悬吊以模拟太空失重状态。设计:随机对照实验。

    METHODS : 12 SD rats were tail suspended to simulate weightlessness in space and divided into 4 groups randomly .

  5. 为避免这类事故应防止进入低g或失重状态,保持足够的操纵功效。

    To avoid this type of accident , the pilot should not enter the low-g or weightless flight status , and keep enough control power in his hand .

  6. 结论:模拟失重状态下,IL-2在大鼠胃窦部的表达下降。

    CONCLUSION : Decrease of IL-2 and SS cells is found in the gastric mucosa of rats under simulated weightlessness .

  7. 目的观察1,25-二羟维生素D3对模拟失重状态下大鼠股骨远端松质骨超微结构的影响。

    Objective To observe the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D_3 on the change of ultrastructural in distal femoral trabecular in male rats after simulated weightlessness .

  8. 本课题是研究大鼠成骨细胞离体模拟失重状态与降钙素(CT)的干预下IGF-1等基因表达的变化与OB增殖、分泌等功能变化。

    This topic is the study of the change of cell proliferation , secretion of function and IGF-1 gene expression of rat osteoblasts in vitro under simulated weightlessness and intervention of calcitonin .

  9. 结论在模拟失重状态下2~4周,大鼠胃窦部的IL2及SS的表达即可出现下降。

    Conclusions The results suggest the decrease of IL-2 and SS immunoreactive cells in the gastric antrum mucose may occur during simulated weightlessness for 2 ~ 4 wks.

  10. 取C57BL/6小鼠脾,分离NK细胞,在正常重力和失重状态下旋转细胞两种培养体系中培养NK细胞48h。

    The NK cells isolated from C57BL / 6 mouse 's spleen were collected from normal culture in 1G and weightlessness culture ( wc ) in rotating cell culture system ( RCCS ) respectively two days after the wc .

  11. 目的:研究尾吊模拟失重状态下大鼠胃窦和空肠黏膜白介素2(interleukin-2,IL-2)及生长抑素(somatostatin,SS)免疫反应细胞的变化。

    AIM : To reveal the alterations of interleukin-2 ( IL-2 ) and somatostatin ( SS ) immunoreactive cells in the gastric and jejunum mucosa of rats during simulated weightlessness . METHODS : Experiments were conducted on 35 Sprague-Dawley rats .

  12. 基于SDRE方法的空间飞行器轨道交会状态估计运动员的腾空和宇航员在轨道上的飞行都是处于失重状态。

    A State Dependent Riccati Equation Filter for Relative States Determination During Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking When a sportsman rises high into the air and an astronaut travels around the orbit , they will be in weightlessness .

  13. 模拟失重状态对健康人视觉诱发电位的影响

    Influence of stimulated weightless on visual evoked potential of healthy people

  14. 这一普遍误解的产生得归咎于“失重状态”这个词。

    Blame the term " zero-gravity " for this common misconception .

  15. 这是火箭单元首次在失重状态下点火。

    For the first time , a rocket unit was fired under weightlessness .

  16. 头低位模拟失重状态对前庭功能的影响

    Effect of Head - down Tilt on Vestibular Function

  17. 骨折愈合延迟大鼠在模拟失重状态下的变化

    Delayed healing process of fracture in simulated weightlessness rats

  18. 失重状态下是没法让你下坠的,懂了。

    Can 't drop you without gravity . Right .

  19. 模拟空间失重状态下流体桥振动实验研究

    The experimental studies upon the vibration property of axisymmetric viscous liquid bridge under microgravity

  20. 失重状态下共育大鼠成骨与破骨细胞中护骨素表达的变化

    Changes of osteoprotegerin expression in the co-cultured osteoblast and osteoclasts of rats under weightlessness

  21. 半秒钟的失重状态,可是有代价的。

    You have to pay a price for this half a second of weightlessness .

  22. 模拟失重状态对人脑认知功能的影响

    Effect of simulated weightlessness on human brain cognition

  23. 模拟失重状态下大鼠前庭形态学和耳石钙含量的变化

    Observation of morphology and calcium content of vestibular otoconia in rats in simulated weightlessness

  24. 人体在失重状态下转体的动作设计

    Designing Rotary Motion of Human Body under Weightlessness

  25. 宇航员在飞行中得适应失重状态。

    Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness .

  26. 经历太空航行的失重状态。

    Experiencing the weightlessness of space travel .

  27. 失重状态下人体的姿态控制

    Orientation control of body in weightlessness

  28. 每次失重状态结束后,霍金都会被工作人员小心翼翼地搬回到大垫子上。

    After each plunge ended , Professor Hawking was gently helped back down onto a mattress .

  29. 当作用于纳米磁性液体上的磁力和重力方向相反时,纳米磁性液体处于失重状态;

    Nano-magnetic fluids will be in the weightlessness when magnetic force and gravity are in opposite direction .

  30. 医学检查发现,在太空生活大约40天后,人体就可以适应失重状态。

    Medical tests found that the human body becomes used to weightlessness after about forty days in space .