
shī rèn zhènɡ
  • agnosia
  1. 顶盖部生殖细胞瘤引起的听觉失认症

    Auditory agnosia caused by a tectal germinoma

  2. 目的观察康复训练对偏瘫患者失认症和失用症的疗效。

    Objective To explore the effect of rehabilitation training on agnosia and apraxia of hemiplegic patients .

  3. 刍议面孔失认症的类型、病理表现及治疗

    Humble Opinion on Kind , Symptom and Therapy in Prosopagnosia

  4. 面容失认症的情况与此有些类似,不过这种症状就经常发生,甚至认不出那些非常熟悉的人。

    Face Blindness is like this except it happens all the time , even with people you know really well .

  5. 他们的眼睛是完好无损的但是失认症发生的原因是他们失去了认识某种能力。

    Their eyes are intact but rather what happens in agnosia is they lose the ability to recognize certain things .

  6. 这里有一种失认症失认症是一种疾病这不是失明因为那个人可以看得很好。

    There is agnosia and agnosia is a disorder which isn 't blindness because the person could still see perfectly well .

  7. 以往的研究已经确认,在全部人群中有2%属于“脸盲”,又称面孔失认症,表现为识别面孔非常困难。

    Previous research has identified as much as2 percent of the population as having " face-blindness ," or prosopagnosia , a condition characterized by great difficulty in recognizing faces .