
  1. 在高中同学聚会或者Facebook上隐身浏览时,你可能已经意识到:

    Here 's something you might have figured out at your high school reunion or by Facebook-stalking your old classmates :

  2. Catherine刚用脸书的时候,她的一些高中同学也加她为好友了。

    When Catherine joined Facebook , some of her classmates at high school started to add her as a friend .

  3. “他一直是个与众不同的舞者,”吉姆·霍恩(JimHorne)说。他是杰米恩的高中同学。

    He was always an extraordinary dancer , ' says Jim Horne , a classmate of Mr. Jermyn 's at Los Angeles Baptist High School .

  4. 看看这个Heckles的高中同学录。

    Joey : Check it out , check it out . Heckles ' high school yearbook .

  5. 在某种程度上,使用者利用SNS与原来的高中同学保持联系,而这种潜在的连接可能会变成有价值的新信息资源。

    To a certain extent , the user take advantage of SNS to keep touch with the original high school classmates , and this potential connection may become new and valuable information resources .

  6. 明年,Yagi一位在松下工作的高中同学将加入他的公司。Yagi说:他说已经不再有乐趣可言,因为他一直被要求削减成本。

    Mr Yagi will be joined next year by a high-school classmate who currently works at Panasonic : He says it is no fun any more because he is constantly told to cut costs .

  7. 我在校园里偶然碰见一个高中同学。

    I ran into my former high school classmate on campus .

  8. 每年寒假,我们都举行高中同学聚会。

    We have a senior high school reunion every winter holiday .

  9. 我是海伦,你的高中同学。

    I 'm Helen , Your classmate in senior high .

  10. 因此她是我的室友,我的高中同学。

    So she was roommate , was my classmate from high school .

  11. 他们是高中同学挺亲密的

    They went to high school together . They were pretty close .

  12. 我从没想过在机场遇到我的高中同学。

    I never thought of encountering my high school classmate at the airport .

  13. 还有,别告诉人家我们是高中同学。

    And don 't ever tell anyone we went to junior high together .

  14. 你还记得我的高中同学当娜吗?

    You remember my friend Donna from high school .

  15. 珍娜和梅森·洛克伍德是高中同学

    Jenna went to high school with Mason Lockwood .

  16. 我们高中同学会在下星期二。

    Our high school reunion is next Tuesday .

  17. 她是我高中同学。

    I went to high school with her .

  18. 就像是我的高中同学会一样,唯一不同的是这些人喜欢我。

    It was like my high school reunion , except these people liked me .

  19. 或者,你也许受邀前往其他城市去拜访高中同学。

    Or perhaps you were invited to visit high school friends in other cities .

  20. 是啊,(想告诉)大概300个高中同学。

    Chandler : Yeah , about 300 guys I went to high school with .

  21. 她是我的高中同学,和我年龄一样。

    She was my high school classmates , and the same as my age .

  22. 这是高中同学聚会的主题曲

    It was the theme song at homecoming my senior year of high school .

  23. 就像你对待你高中同学一样?

    Like you did your high school classmate .

  24. 我大部分的高中同学现在都在上大学。

    Monica : Oh my God , I went to high school with her .

  25. 薇姬·多诺万你认识她吗她妈妈是我高中同学

    Vicki Donovan.You know her ? I went to high school with her mother .

  26. 我是米奇的高中同学

    I went to high school with Mitch .

  27. 很明显你们是高中同学。

    You obviously went to high school together .

  28. 除非你认为他是去波士顿参加高中同学会。

    Unless you think he 's going to Boston to attend a high school reunion .

  29. 一个高中同学邀请我去参加她教堂里的一个音乐会。

    A classmate from high school had invited me to a concert at her church .

  30. 有,我们认为攻击你的人是你的高中同学

    We believe you 're being targeted by someone you went to high school with .