
  • 网络height difference;elevation difference;Difference in Elevation
  1. 特别是为了克服高差,难以避免采用连续长下坡的方式展线。

    Specially to overcome the elevation difference , avoids using the long and steep downhill way line is very difficult .

  2. 台站东西向水准高差的趋势性变化,可能与复盖层内地下水位的变化或抽用地下水有关。

    The tendentious variation of the level elevation difference in the EW direction may be influenced by change ol ground water level and pumping ground water .

  3. GPS水准高差拟合应用于跨河水准测量研究

    Study of Normal Height Difference Fitting Method of GPS River-crossing Leveling

  4. 采用GPS大地高差代替跨河水准高差的探讨

    Replacing River-Crossing Leveling Height Difference with GPS Geodetic Height Difference

  5. GPS高差在滑坡监测中的应用研究

    The Application Research of GPS Height Difference in Landslip Monitoring

  6. H(滑坡前后缘高差);

    H ( discrepancy in elevation of front edge and back edge of landslide );

  7. 高差对GPS大地高测量精度的影响

    Effect of height difference on GPS vertical accuracy

  8. GPS精密高差测量技术的初步研究

    Initial Study on GPS Precise Leveling

  9. 综合利用水准高程与高差观测值拟合GPS点高程的模型与结果分析

    A GPS Height Interpolation Model Based on Integrated Observation of Height and Height Difference and Its Result Analysis

  10. GPS观测数据经处理后,可得到两点间的基线向量及高精度的大地高差,如果已知一点的大地高,即可求得全网各点的大地高。

    We can obtain the baseline vectors and high-accuracy discrepancy of geodetic height between GPS points after observation datum was dealt with .

  11. 研究了利用GPS定位技术所确定的相对大地高差,联合精确的大地水准面差距进行高程传递的方法。

    This paper focuses on the study of the height transference within long distance across sea , by combining ellipsoidal height of GPS with gravimetric geoidal height .

  12. 论述了对流层时延的特性及其对GPS定位测量影响的大小。经研究认为,对流层时延误差主要影响高差精度;

    The authors introduce the nature of troposphere delay effect on GPS positioning , via research , the authors consider that troposphere delay error affects mainly height difference precision .

  13. 基于邻近高差及辅助平面的TIN过滤算法是在基于高程突变的TIN过滤算法基础上,进一步对非地面点进行过滤。

    After TIN filtering algorithm based on height jump , TIN filtering algorithm based on neighboring height difference and assistant plane filters the non-ground points further .

  14. 15~20m局部高差;

    15 ~ 20 m local relief ;

  15. 虹吸井设置在初期坝上游附近,相对下游高差为8m。

    The siphonic wells are placed at upstream of primary dam with the height difference of 8 m to downstream .

  16. 根据试验结果,如果限制每站的距离在500m的范围以内,所得高差可望达到二等水准测量的精度。

    According to the experimental methods and results , if the sight distance is within 500m , the precision of the second order levelling can be reached .

  17. 论文主要贡献包括以下几个方面:(1)提出了基于高程突变的TIN(triangulatedirregularnetwork,不规则三角网)过滤算法和基于邻近高差及辅助平面的TIN过滤算法。

    The main contributions of this dissertation are as following : Firstly , TIN ( Triangulated Irregular Network ) filtering algorithm based on height jump and TIN filtering algorithm based on neighboring height difference and assistant plane are presented .

  18. 这种方法采用经纬一次架设,配合5m水准尺,用水准仪测量两点高差,再通过计算就可以准确的测量出桩孔的倾斜度和斜距。

    Using theodolite spanning , it can measure the gradient and slant distance of pile hole by measure the elevation difference of two points with water level ruler .

  19. 结合滨州市C级GPS控制网的建立和三等跨河水准测量的实际情况,将GPS所测大地高差与三等水准测量高差进行比较和分析,得出一些结论。

    Combining with the actual situation of the establishment of C class GPS control network and third order river-crossing leveling , the geodetic height differences of GPS survey are compared and analyzed with height differences of third order river-crossing leveling , some of conclusions are gotten .

  20. 计算和实验还表明,即使在垂直敷设的情况下,SF6/N2的混合比随高差的变化也可以忽略不计。

    It is shown that the gas decomposition products in the mixture are quite similar to those in pure SF_6 gas , and the variation of the mixing ratio with elevation can be neglected .

  21. 该段线路两侧山峰标高达400m左右,相对高差200余m,属丘陵地貌。

    The landform of this region is hilly , and the height of mountains beside it is 400 ? m or so , and the relative elevation is 200 ? m.

  22. 实践证明以折线代替曲线进行支架布置方法是合理的,最终成桥相邻两块混凝土表面高差均小于2cm。

    It is concluded that the layout method using broken line instead of curve is reasonable with the altitude difference of concrete surfaces in two centimeters .

  23. 提出在地面沉降监测中可用站坐标系下的U分量变化代替水准测量高差的变化。分析了这一方法的可能误差和大小。

    It is proposed in this paper that the variation of height difference in the leveling can be substituted with the variation of U component in station coordinate system in and subsidence monitoring and the possible factors and magnitudes of the error are analyzed .

  24. 再次,针对高差错、无反馈、低冗余的通信应用环境,提出了一种具有UEP能力的喷泉码,将它与信源分层编码相结合,实现了一种增量喷泉传输方案。

    This code realizes the incremental fountain scheme with the help of layered streaming for applications in environment of high error rate , non-feedback and low overhead .

  25. 进一步研究了CCD技术用于测量绳间标高差,进而测算绳间张力差的可行性,并对基于CCD理论和技术的整个监测系统的主要软硬件进行了研制和开发。

    This paper studies the possibilities of measuring the altitudinal difference among the signs on cables using CCD technology , and detecting the difference of tension among cables . It also develops the main software and hardware for the whole detecting system based on CCD technology .

  26. 为提高TCP协议在长时延、高差错率网络中的性能,探测元机制做为一种主动自适应机制,在TCP的许多改进实现中被涉及。

    In order to increase the performance of TCP ( Transport Control Protocol ) in networks with long propagation delay and high link error rates , detection unit scheme , an active and self_ adaptive scheme , has been involved in many implementations for TCP improvement .

  27. 再以高差法引入水塞,吸附于毛细管壁的TTAB溶解到水中,使该段毛细管的zeta电势变负;

    Water plug was introduced and TTAB on the capillary inner wall could be dissolved into the water plug , which enhanced negative zeta potential of the capillary section .

  28. 海涂地的微地形对土壤1m土体含盐量有明显影响,几厘米的高差就可导致土壤含盐量的明显差异,这说明土地平整是海涂土壤改良的一项重要措施。

    Tiny landform had evident influence on salinity content in 1 m layer . A centimeter step difference caused apparent change in soil salinity , which indicates that land leveling was a very important measure in management of coastal saline soils .

  29. 如果构件在护栏后面3000mm以上,则两个护栏的高差就不再重要。

    If the component is more than about3000mm behind the barrier , the difference between the two barrier heights is no longer important .

  30. 由于地形崎岖、山峰众多,境内最高峰近1900m,最低处约300m,相对高差达1600m;

    Because of rugged topography with numerous high peaks , the altitude of the highest one approaches 1900m while the lowest valley nearby is about 300m , so the relative height difference reaches 1600m .