
  • 网络High Cohesion;high coherence
  1. 使用Spring连接各个层,实现高内聚,低耦合。

    Using Spring to connect each layer to achieve " high cohesion , lowcoupling " .

  2. 启明ERP系统采用了模块化的业务和系统设计,模块间做到了高内聚低耦合,使其可以灵活配置模块,以适应不同企业的不同要求。

    QM ERP system adopts modularized business and system design , and realizes high cohesion and low coupling between the modules to configure the modules flexibly to meet different requirements of different enterprises .

  3. 给出了IP网管的体系结构和功能模型描述,以IP网络管理的实时性能要求为基础,以高内聚低耦合作为模块设计准则,设计出IP网络性能实时管理系统。

    The structure and functions of the IP network management are described based on the requirement of the real-time performance management .

  4. 本系统的开发和利用具有重要的意义:首先,本系统使用SOA技术开发,可以更好的做到系统设计模块间的高内聚低耦合。

    Development and use of this system has important implications : First , the system uses SOA technology to develop , which can do better inter-module with high cohesion and low coupling .

  5. 模型/逻辑单元反映的是共同的关注,它们必须被若干其他的高内聚、低耦合的模型/逻辑单元所引用,并且应当被放置到封装那些共同关注的UML项目之中。

    Model / LUs that reflect shared concerns and must be referenced by several other highly cohesive , loosely coupled model / LUs should be placed into UML projects that encapsulate those common concerns .

  6. 从设计上讲,系统采用多层体系架构的方案,运用MVC设计模式,遵循低耦合、高内聚的设计实践,提高了可维护性和可扩展性。

    The system was designed multi-layered with the MVC pattern to follow a low coupling and high cohesion design practice , so that improved system maintainability and scalability was achieved .

  7. 运用UML(统一建模语言)语言对软件过程建模,并且与面向对象语言EVC相结合,使系统获得了结构良好、高内聚、低耦合、扩充性好、易于维护等优点。

    By using Unified Modeling Language to model software and Object-Oriented programming language ( EVC ) to design software , the system is rationally structured , highly cohesive , loosely coupled , easy to maintain and extend .

  8. 在迭代中的每个开发周期中,通过用况分析,划分概念模型,并根据GRASP模式在对象交互的背景下进行职责分配,以求得到高内聚低耦合的类图,使得系统易于维护或重用。

    During every developing cycle of iteration , by analyzing the use cases , defining the conceptual model , assigning responsibility in term of GRASP against interaction diagram , we can gain the class diagram of high-cohesion and low-coupling , so as to maintain and reuse the system conveniently .

  9. 在设计驱动程序时,采用了Facade设计模式,把驱动程序按照上层应用程序的需求封装为动态链接库,使得驱动层、应用层编码相对独立,符合高内聚低耦合的软件工程原则。

    The Facade design pattern is introduced to the design of the driver which is encapsulated into a dll . Consequently , the driver layer and the application layer coding are independent . It accords with high cohesion and low coupling principles of software engineering .

  10. 在低耦合、高内聚的设计原则指导下,设计环节充分关注到了报表的复用性、可扩展性和未来的兼容性,采用了BIRT插件技术作为报表的开发方法。

    Guided by the principle ," Low coupling , high cohesion ," report design puts full attention to the reusability of module , scalability and future compatibility , and uses the BIRT plug-in module technology as a development methodology .

  11. 该解码器中的各个模块具有高内聚,低耦合的特点。

    The modules of decoder are of high cohesion and low coupling .

  12. 类与类之间具有高内聚,低耦合的特点。

    Between classes it is high cohesion and low coupling .

  13. 基于特征的领域构件高内聚控制

    Variability Control of High-cohesion Domain Component Based on Feature

  14. 使用它开发的系统低耦合,高内聚。

    The systems using the Architecture to develop is low coupling , and high cohesion .

  15. 不但确保系统运行质量和较高的开发应用效率,还实现了系统高内聚、松耦合的原则。

    Ensure that the system is running the development and application of quality and high efficiency .

  16. 以模块的低耦合高内聚性为基础,建立了决策系统的功能结构。

    Based on the principle of lower-coupling and higher-cohesion of module , the structure of the system was issued .

  17. 在模块的设计上遵循低耦合、高内聚的设计思想,理清模块间的交互关系。

    In the design of every module , it follow the principle " low coupling and high cohesion " .

  18. 系统的设计和实现都是按模块分别叙述的,系统模块具有高内聚,低耦合的特点。

    The system module has the virtues of strong cohesion and weak coupling . Context and Cohesion control module .

  19. 因此面象对象设计的一个主要目标是拿出高内聚的类。

    Thus , one of the main goals of OO design is to come up with classes that are highly cohesive .

  20. 然而,过程仍旧不够粒度化,以遵循高内聚和低耦合的原则。

    However , the processes are still not granular enough to enforce adherence to the principles of high cohesion and low coupling .

  21. 应用程序常常没有嵌入高内聚和低耦合的原则的原因与现实的软件开发过程有关。

    The reason that applications frequently fail to embody the principles of high cohesion and low coupling relates to real-world software development processes .

  22. 这样的设计既达到了实时的目的,又兼顾了高内聚低耦合的软件设计目标。

    This design not only achieve the purpose of the real-time , taking into account the " high-low coupling ," the software design goals .

  23. 外层的业务逻辑虽然多变,但始终以遵循某种规范的方式插入到系统中,以实现软件工程设计理念之高内聚低耦合的中心原则。

    The outer logic can be varied but with a specific plug-in manner , the low-coupling-high-cohesion of the software design theory can be achieved .

  24. 它有助于开发人员将应用程序拆分为松耦合、高内聚的功能片断的集合,然后以灵活的方式将它们粘连在一起。

    Helping developers split applications into a collection of loosely-coupled , highly-cohesive pieces , and then glue them back together in a flexible manner .

  25. 在执行用例实现时没有应用高内聚和低耦合的原则,表示软件开发项目中有严重风险。

    Failure to apply the principles of high cohesion and low coupling while performing use-case realizations represents a serious risk to a software development project .

  26. 本系统通过软件分层实现了高内聚、低耦合原则,满足易于扩展、维护和重用的要求。

    The system realized the principle of high cohesion , low coupling and accorded with the demands of scalability , maintainability and reusability by 3-layers structure .

  27. 通过保持对于所依赖对象的不可知性,一个服务是高内聚的,功能专一的并且易于进化的,这一切都是通过坚持一个良好定义的契约实现的。

    By remaining agnostic to its dependencies , a service is focused , clutter-free and is able to evolve easily , all while adhering to a well-defined contract .

  28. 系统模块间高内聚低耦合的设计给系统分工和编码带来了便利,提高了开发效率。

    The high cohesion low coupling design of the system modules has made the partition and encoding of the system convenient and improves the R & D efficiency .

  29. 本软件的设计根据软件工程的设计思想实现了低耦合,高内聚的模块结构并兼顾了安全性、可靠性、可维护性、可移植性。

    The design of this management software based on software project realizes many advantages such as high coupling , low cohesion and considers safety , reliability , transplantation .

  30. 如果这些成功了,那么在不验证是否依据高内聚/低耦合原则而设计的情况下将新特性发布为产品。

    If these are successful , the new features are released into production without any verification that they were designed in accordance with high cohesion / low coupling principles .