
  • 网络alpine gorges
  1. 川西南高山峡谷区核桃资源的RAPD研究

    Random Amplifies Polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) Studies on Walnut Resource Which Belong to Mountain and Ravine Region of Southwest Sichuan

  2. 高山峡谷区CSAMT观测系统研究

    CSAMT observation system study in high mountain and steep gorge area

  3. 本文以1D正演EM波的技术为手段,研究了适合高山峡谷区的几种可能的CSAMT观测系统。

    In this paper by means of 1D forward EM modeling technique , the CSAMT observation systems , which are suitable to the mountain and steepy gorge area , are studied .

  4. 高山峡谷区域景观生态规划模式研究方法

    A Research method of landscape ecological planning pattern for gorge region

  5. 高山峡谷区影响土壤测量找矿效果的元素表生活动特性研究

    The study of element supergene activity affecting soil survey effect in mountain-canyon region

  6. 哈巴河流域高山峡谷景观空间格局分析

    An analysis on the spatial structure of alp and gorge landscape in Habahe watershed

  7. 高山峡谷地区坝陵河大桥西岸高边坡工程效应研究

    Study on Engineering Effect of Baling River Bridge High Slope in Alpine Gorge Area

  8. 高山峡谷区云南松林土壤侵蚀控制的水文效应

    Hydrological Effect of Pinus Yunnanensis Forest on Soil Erosion Control in the Alpine Gorge Region

  9. 高山峡谷区快速评价找矿靶区的化探方法技术

    Geochemical techniques for rapid appraisal of ore prospecting targets in high mountain and canyon areas

  10. 鄂东北山区多高山峡谷,地形复杂,但四季分明,雨量充沛,有着丰富的生物资源。

    This article make a systemic study of biological resources of Hupeh northeast mountain area .

  11. 根据本次研究结果,调整了高山峡谷区土壤测量工作方法。

    The method of soil survey in mountain-canyon region has been improved based on our result .

  12. 我好想陪伴你无论是高山峡谷,荆棘丛生;

    I is it accompany you no matter alpine barranca , overgrown with brambles to really want ;

  13. 在高山峡谷地区修建水库,岸坡卸荷拉裂问题是经常遇到的工程地质问题。

    Deep tensile fractures always occur in slopes of reservoirs constructed in high mountains or deep valleys .

  14. 高山峡谷地区大型地下洞室群非平稳人工地震动拟合

    Artificial simulation of nonstationary artificial seismic motion for large-scale underground cavern group located in alpine gorge area

  15. 在中国西南高山峡谷地区的沟谷及山麓地带分布着大量的第四纪冰川堆积物。

    In mountain and ravine region of southwest China , there are lots of quaternary glacial deposits .

  16. 高山峡谷区岩溶水示踪试验&以川西锦屏地区为例

    Tracing test in alpine-gorge area ── a case study of Jinping district , west sichuan , china

  17. 横断山区是我国典型的高山峡谷区,山地高梯度效表现显著。

    The Hengduan Mountains are the typical upland-valley areas , where the high gradient effects of mountain regions are notable .

  18. 滇西北高山峡谷区的水汽特征及水资源利用

    The character of precipitation geography and water resource utilization in high mountain and deep gorge area in Northwest Yunnan Province

  19. 在高山峡谷区,包气带深厚,示踪水流的分流现象十分普遍;

    In the alpine-gorge area exists a very thick aeration zone , where the bifurcation of tracing water occurs ubiquitously .

  20. 受地形和气候条件的控制,我国的大多数水电资源都在高山峡谷地区。

    Most of power potential are in alp and gorge region being mastered of landform and climate condition in our nation .

  21. 因为隘寮北溪长年穿流切割,高山峡谷,景致壮观。

    Over countless years the ailiao North Creek has cut deep gorges through these high mountains , creating stunningly magnificent scenery .

  22. 该地区地形复杂多变,有高原、山原、草原和高山峡谷等多种地貌,以高山峡谷为主,旅游资源丰富多彩,但山高路远,经济落后。

    The tourist resources here are so bountiful and diversified , but it is remote area and the economy is lagging behind .

  23. 岷江上游地区在我国长江上游高山峡谷区具有代表性,由于近几十年来人为活动加剧,该区生态系统严重退化。

    The upper reaches of the Minjiang River are situated in the northwestern Sichuan province , and were typical high valley area .

  24. 泸定县地处川西高原与四川盆地过渡地带,属于高山峡谷地貌,生态环境脆弱,一旦破坏将很难恢复。

    LuDing County , which is located in the transition zone between western Sichuan plateau and Sichuan Basin , belongs to high canyon landscape .

  25. 在高山峡谷地区修建地下工程,山体坡度不同时会对初始地应力有十分重要的影响。

    When the construction of underground projects in alpine and gorge region is being conducted , different mountain slopes will have important effects on initial geostress distribution .

  26. 国内在建和待建的大型水电工程大多坐落在西南、西北高山峡谷地区。

    Many large hydropower stations that are being built or to be built are mostly located at the high-mountain-and-gorge areas in the southwest and northwest of China .

  27. 双排机水电站厂房布置型式是解决在高山峡谷段布置大容量多台数机组与场地矛盾的有效手段。

    The structural array of powerhouse with double-row units arrangement may be an effective method which can settle contradiction between many high-capacity units and ground in narrow canyon .

  28. 岷江上游流域面积2.50×10~4km~2,区内地表起伏巨大,属典型的高山峡谷区。

    The upper reaches of Minjiang River covers 25,000 square kilometers with enormous relief of the earth 's surface and is known as a typical alp gorge district .

  29. 随着水电、交通、输电等工程规划建设向高山峡谷地区延伸,与这些冰川堆积物相关的地质灾害或工程地质问题越来越突出。

    With hydropower projects , traffic engineering and transmission project , et al built in mountain and ravine region , geo-hazards and engineering geological problems are becoming more serious .

  30. 地震发生在切割强烈的高山峡谷区,地形起伏较大,断裂构造发育,地质条件复杂,历来为崩滑流等山地灾害的高发区。

    The Longmen Shan mountain gorge has strongly cutting terrain , complex geological structure and faults , so it always been a high-incidence area with many kinds of mountain disasters .