
  • 网络Quercus semecarpifolia;Quercus spinosa;Quercus semecarpifolia Smith
  1. 硬叶常绿高山栎类植物是指壳斗科栎亚属中的高山栎组(QuercussubgenusQuercussect.Brachylepides)的8种植物和1个存疑种植物,以及巴东栎组(QuercussubgenusQuercussect.Engleriana)的7种植物。

    The alpine sclerophyllous oak plants refer to a kind of plants in Quercus subgenus Quercus sect . Brachylepides ( 8 species and 1 impeach species ) and Quercus subgenus Quercus sect . Engleriana ( 7 species ) .

  2. 中国硬叶常绿高山栎类植物的起源与演化

    The Origin and Evolvement of Alpine Sclerophyllous Oak Plants in China

  3. 滇西北的川滇高山栎具有很强的萌生能力。

    The Quercus forest in the Northwest of Yunnan Province showed a strong sprouting ability .

  4. 因此,含高山栎岩系的地质时代不会早于上新世中晚期。

    The geological age of the present sandstone series is not earlier than the middle-late Pliocene .

  5. 高山栎组分布区的形成和喜马拉雅的隆起、横断山的形成有密切关系。

    Relationships between the distributions of the section and uplift of Himalayas are discussed in the present paper .

  6. 川滇高山栎广泛分布于横断山地区,属于亚高山硬叶栎林,是中国植被非常特殊的类型。

    As a very special vegetation type in china , Quercus aquifolioides , a type of sub-alpine sclerophyllous oak forest , distributes widely in Hengduanshan mountain in Wolong Natural reserve .

  7. 环境的异质性越高,高山栎类的变异越大,种群变异和物种进化与气候、生境、地形地貌和土壤等环境的异质性密切相关。

    It suggested the more heterogeneous the environments the more variable the sclerophyllous oaks . Population variability and species evolution associated with the environmental heterogeneity such as climate , local dominant current , habitat , topography and soil .

  8. 高山栎林型随着海拔高度的增加,土壤上层(0~20cm)菌根侵染率增高、下层(20~40cm)菌根侵染强度指数增大,土壤上下层有效磷浓度都明显减少;

    In the alpine oak ( Quercus aquifolioides ) forests , infection rate of mycorrhizae in upper soil layer ( 020cm ) and infection intensity index of mycorrhizae in lower layer ( 2040cm ) increased but the concentration of available P decreased in both layers with the increase of attitude .