
  1. 2000年8月,1080i/50Hz即被确定为中国的高清晰度电视信号源标准,2008年北京奥运会的电视转播将全程采用高清系统完成。

    In August 2000,1080i / 50Hz will be identified as the standard of China 's high-definition television signal source .

  2. 多天线技术在地面数字电视高清系统中的应用

    Multi-antenna Technique and Its Application in DTV Broadcasting-Terre strial System

  3. 基于IPv6的高清视频系统实现与性能分析

    Implementation and performance analysis of IPv6-based high definition video system

  4. 中央电视台400平米高清演播室系统

    CCTV 400 Sqm HD Studio

  5. 高清晰度电视的研究一直是近几年的研究热点,它直接关系到国内电视市场的发展走向,然而,高清电视系统中的核心器件视频解码芯片,目前绝大多数仍依赖国外进口。

    High Definition Television has been a research hot spot in recent years , which is directly related to the development trend of the domestic TV market .

  6. 全自动高清录播系统采用了先进的图像智能拍摄技术、全自动导播技术、高清多轨录像技术、实时刻录技术和网络技术[4]。

    This system has taken many technologies , which is consist of advanced image intelligent photography technology , full automatic director technology , HD multi-track video technology , real-time recording technology and network technology .

  7. 本论文所描述的高清卡口系统实现了比较成熟的高清卡口技术在智能交通项目中的成功应用,为智能交通的发展做出了贡献。

    The system which this paper describes achieves HD card port monitoring technology relatively mature Successfully applied to the intelligent transportation project , which to make a contribution to the development of Intelligent Transportation .

  8. 最后,对IPTV机顶盒高清播放器软件系统进行了功能测试,结果显示该机顶盒高清播放器功能稳定可靠,达到了预期的设计目标。

    The result of the test demonstrates the function of the high-definition player of IPTV set-top box is stable and reliable , which achieves the expected objective of the design .

  9. 然后结合河南工程学院校园网IPv6建设现状,设计出了一个基于IPv6组播的高清视频直播系统,进而进行了实际的部署并对系统中各组成部分进行深入分析和研究。

    Further in light of Henan Institute of Engineering IPv6 status of the campus network construction , designs a multicast IPv6-based high-definition video broadcast system , and then the actual deployment of the various components and systems to conduct in-depth research and analysis .

  10. 河南电视台600m~2高清演播室视频系统

    600 m ~ 2 High-definition Studio Video Systems in Henan TV Station

  11. 最后设计实现的高清视频处理系统能够在整个完全加密的环境下处理高清视频流的录制、播放及安全传输。

    And the high-definition video processing system can record and play the video stream within the fully encrypted environment .

  12. 本文的研究为国内三维内窥镜高清图像采集系统的研发打下了良好的基础。

    This study has laid a good foundation for the domestic development of three-dimensional endoscopic HD image acquisition system .

  13. 消费电子领域代价受限的高清视频解码系统是一类受存储瓶颈问题所困扰的典型系统。

    Cost-constrained high definition video decoding system is a typical one that is bothered by the frequent and random memory accesses .

  14. 高清视频会议系统是科技信息随着社会发展而产生更方便人类信息交流的新产物。

    Video conference system is a new product of the information technology with thedevelopment of society and is more convenient for human ` s exchanging information .

  15. 在未来的三至五年内,经过最早建设的单位的经验积累,高清电视会议系统建设将进入一个快速发展的时期。

    In the next three to five years after building the first units of accumulated experience , high-definition video conferencing system will enter a period of rapid development .

  16. 最后,设计的系统被部署到内蒙古科技厅,通过应用实践表明,该系统满足了内蒙古科技厅对高清视频会议系统的需求。

    At last , the system which been designed was deploy to Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Agency to be evaluated that this system meet the requirements for high-definition video conferencing systems of Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Department through the practical way .

  17. 全高清3D视频转换系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Full HD 3D Video Conversion System

  18. 基于Linux高清视频无线传输系统设计研究

    The Design Research on the High Definition Video Wireless Transfers System Based on Linux

  19. 局域网内实现720p/1080i高清格式的VoD系统

    Implementation of VoD System with 720p / 1 080i High Definition Format in LAN

  20. 提高清循环冷却水系统浓缩倍数的对策研究

    Study on Improving the Concentration of Circulating Cooling Water

  21. 构建新一代超高清数字电影放映系统

    The Construction of a new Generation Playing System for Super HD Digital Cinema

  22. 基于8620的高清数字电视控制系统

    Control System of HDTV Based on 8620

  23. 索尼公司在展览中设置了专业图像采集区,小型高清多媒体节目制作系统、专业光盘现场节目制作系统等。

    Sony set an area especially for picture uploading , small hi-fi multi-media program producing and professional DVD making system .

  24. 在这个转型过程中,研究出同时兼容标清和高清的多媒体通讯系统具有重要的意义,能使多媒体通讯系统更加健康、稳定的发展。

    In the transition process , the research is also compatible with SD and HD multimedia communication system and has great significance , enables multimedia communication system more healthy and stable development .

  25. 国家广电总局样板工程,中国中央电视台第一个高清演播室和高清后期制作系统集成项目。

    The first CCTV HD Studio and HD After Producing Systems Integration project , which was the sample project of National Broadcast & TV General Bureau .

  26. 虽然高清电视已经成为电器市场的热销产品,但是广电系统的高清播出能力却没有跟上。在这样的背景下,我台搭建了一套完整的数字化高清播出系统。

    Although HD television has become the electrical appliances market selling products , but the broadcasting and television system of HDTV program number has not kept pace with .

  27. 黑龙江电视台大型高清新闻制播网是目前国内规模最大的高清新闻制播网络系统。

    Heilongjiang TV station large broadcast network of high-definition news production is the largest broadcast system in China .

  28. 德州联通主会场的高清会议电视终端音视频接口连接至现有会场的外设设备调音台和视频矩阵,从而实现与原有高清会议电视系统互为主备用系统。

    The HD meeting main TV terminal connects the audio and video interface to peripheral devices tuning up and video matrix , which is the standby system acting in cooperation with the existing hd meeting television system as the main system .