
ɡāo chénɡ kònɡ zhì cè liánɡ
  • vertical control survey
  1. 南京长江二桥跨河精密高程控制测量

    Precise cross-river vertical control survey for the second Nanjing Changjiang river bridge

  2. 通过南京长江二桥建设中的跨河精密高程控制测量实例,详细阐述了高精度跨河水准测量的经典方法&水准仪倾斜螺旋法的实施过程,并对测量实际达到的精度进行了分析。

    A traditional method for high precise cross-river leveling , Incline Screw Leveling , is described in de - tails and its accuracy is evaluated and analyzed based on an actual project of precise cross-river vertical control survey for construction of the second Nanjing Changjiang river bridge .

  3. GPS与重力测量在东海大桥高程控制测量中的应用

    Application of GPS & Gravity Measurement in DongHai Bridge Altitude Control Surveying

  4. GPS桥梁高程控制测量

    GPS technology for bridge height control surveying

  5. 重庆市地籍平面与高程控制测量探讨

    Research on control measurement of cadastral plane and altitude in Chongqing

  6. 关于抽水蓄能电站的水准高程控制测量

    Research on leveling vertical control network to pumped storage stations

  7. 秦岭隧道洞外精密高程控制测量

    Precise Leveling of the Very Long QingLing Mountain Tunnel

  8. 全站仪在高速公路高程控制测量中间观测法的应用

    Application of Electronic Total Station to Middle Observation Method for Elevation Control Measurement of Expressways

  9. 特大型桥梁施工的三角高程控制测量

    Trigonometric Leveling in Construction of Super Bridge

  10. 基岩标是地面变形监测、高程控制测量的重要基准设施。

    Bedrock bench mark is an important surveying datum mark of land subsidence monitoring and height control .

  11. 在高程控制测量中,可以通过计算高差闭合差来检验观测成果的质量。

    N high distance control measurement , the quality of the measurement can be verified by calculating the closed difference of height difference .

  12. 浦东国际机场因工程建设与正常航运所需,先后设置了两座基岩水准标,作为高程控制测量基准。

    In Shanghai Pudong international airport , buildings have been completed two bedrock bench marks . As surveying datums mark of height control , they service to engineering construction and normal navigation .

  13. 通过理论推导并结合实际应用,提出了对长大直线隧道洞内各期平面、高程控制测量资料进行联合处理的新方法。

    Combining theoretical derivation and practical application , the author raised a new method of combined processing of the data of both plane and elevation survey at each construction stage of long straight tunnels .

  14. 深港西部通道平面及高程控制网联合测量

    Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor Joint Control Survey for the Horizontal and Vertical Control Networks

  15. 通过探讨平面控制网的定位依据、平面控制网的测量、高程控制网的测量及定位测量方法,从而得出减少测量误差措施。

    By inquiring into basis on location of plane control net survey , the survey of plane control net , the survey of altitude control net and survey methods of location , the measures of reducing survey deviation have been drawn out .

  16. 港深西部通道后海湾高架引桥PC梁短线法预制模具设计兴建大桥用的平面及高程控制网的联合测量由香港路政署和深圳市深港西部通道工程筹建办公室联合策划和完成。

    Design of Formwork for PC Girders Precast by Short-Line Match Method of Hau Hoi Wan Elevated Approach Bridge , Hongkong-Shenzhen Western Corridor The joint control survey was conducted by the Highways Department in Hong Kong and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Western Corridor Project Office in Shenzhen .

  17. 双仪器法在高程复测和控制测量中的应用

    The Application of the Method of Dual Instruments in Height Resurvey and Control Survey