
  • 网络high-speed camera
  1. 搭建了基于高速相机的测量装置,测量了长脉冲泵浦下YAG激光棒的动态热效应,结果发现光走离发生于特定子午面内,热透镜焦距在泵浦期间为负值。

    Setting up a measurement apparatus based on high-speed camera , which can measure the dynamic thermal effect of YAG laser rod at long pulsed pumping , and finding that light deviation transfers along one certain meridian plane and thermal lens is almost negative during pumping . 5 .

  2. 转镜高速相机的转镜驱动电机通常采用特种高速直流调速电机,对启动控制要求较高。

    The motor driving the rotating-mirror of high-speed camera is a special kind of DC high-speed motor , which need a delicate start control .

  3. high-techadj.高科技的日本有一种新的超高速相机。

    The Japanese have a new super-fast camera .

  4. 使用常规CCD设计了高速相机系统,并解决了相机高速工作方式下的一系列难题。

    A camera system was designed by using conventional CCDs and several problems in a high-speed mode were saved .

  5. 这里介绍的计算机控制电机调速系统采用了专家控制型控制策略,使用了驱动简单、热稳定性好的绝缘门双极型晶体管(IGBT)作功率放大元件,满足了转镜高速相机的需求。

    The computer control introduced utilized the expert control stratagem , and adopted the isolated gate bipolar transistor ( IGBT ) as its power amplifier . This system satisfied the requirement of the rotating mirror .

  6. 两台联动转镜式高速相机像漂移分析

    Image Excursion Analysis of Two Rotating Mirror High-Speed Cameras Used Simultaneously

  7. 等待型高速相机光学系统的研究

    Study on the optical system of the waiting type high speed camera

  8. 转镜式高速相机在爆炸实验中的某些应用

    Techniques and applications of high speed rotating mirror camera

  9. 转镜式高速相机扫描速度及其不均匀性测量

    Measurements of the scanning speed and its non-uniformity for high speed streak camera

  10. 转镜式高速相机控制系统

    Control System of High-speed Rotating - mirror Camera

  11. 转镜高速相机的电机调速系统设计

    The Motor Speed Control for High-speed Rotating-mirror Camera

  12. 将纱线通过理论计算获得的运动特性曲线同通过高速相机所拍摄的实际运动曲线进行对比分析。

    The kinetic characteristic curve obtained by theoretical and high speed camerais compared and analyzed .

  13. 用LBS&16B型高速相机记录高温动态云纹干涉条纹

    The Recording Methods of Dynamic Moire Interferometry Fringes under High Temperature by a Model LBS-16B Camera

  14. 随着研究的深入进行,对转镜式高速相机时间分辨本领的要求越来越高。

    With more detailed studies have been carried out , the time resolution ability of camera is increasingly required .

  15. 本文介绍了等待型转镜高速相机的一种新的光学方案。

    A new optical system of the waiting type high speed camera with rotating mirror is presented in this paper .

  16. 而转镜高速相机不但要求其转镜驱动电机有较高的调速精度,还对整个转速&时间曲线提出了要求。

    And the rotating mirror requires not only accurate speed adjustment , but also the control of the speed-time curve .

  17. 通过对高速相机采集图像的后期处理完成了绣花机高速双目视觉检测实验工作。

    By the post-processing data gathered from the high-speed acquisition , the embroidery machine detection of high-speed binocular vision is completed .

  18. 近年来数字式高速相机的研制成功为兵器测试技术提供了一种得力的工具,其技术性能,已逐步取代了胶片式相机在试验中的运用。

    In recent years , the appearance of high speed digital camera has provided a right hand tool for weapon Testing technology .

  19. 通过高速相机测量位移,利用卡尔曼滤波计算速度的方法,解决了雷射脉冲瞬间作用时速度随机起伏大和计算困难的问题。

    From the proposed testing and calculation method , the problem of velocity random fluctuating phenomenon owing to test data fluctuating is resolved .

  20. 但这项新发明运用了一种高速相机,每秒能拍摄500张图片,能在翻书过程中完成扫面工作。

    But this new invention uses a high speed camera that takes 500 pictures per second to scan pages as they 're flipped .

  21. 微通道板象增强器与控制其快门作用的选通脉冲发生器相结合,便构成具有高的光增益和快速响应的超高速相机。

    A microchannel plate image intensifier combining with a gating pulse generator constitutes the simplest image converter camera with high gain and fast response .

  22. 快速振荡电压下六氟化硫气体间隙放电光电检测利用光电倍增管及分幅式变像管高速相机对放电所产生的光信号进行了检测。

    The Photosignals produced by discharge in SF 6 gas under nagative fast oscillating voltage by using a photomultiplier tube and a high speed framing camera are investigated .

  23. 当闸门移走时,为了达到水位的平衡,圆桶闸门外侧的水向中心挤压,置于水箱下方的高速相机抓拍这一过程中的景象。

    When the gate was removed , a high-speed camera captured the implosion of the exterior region of water as it rushed to equalize height with water in the rest of the tank .

  24. 由于应用的需求,转镜式高速相机的控制系统发展成以计算机和多种专用外围单元组成的计算机控制系统。

    According to the requirements of application , the control system of high-speed rotating-mirror camera has been developed to be a computer control system , which includes a personal computer and several special peripheral units .

  25. 讨论了两台联动转镜式高速相机像漂移的各种原因,从理论和实验对相机像漂移的影响因素进行了分析,比如磁电式传感器、材料、制作工艺、装配精度及操作不当等。

    Reasons of imaging excursion of two rotating mirror high speed cameras used simultaneously are discussed , and the influence to images are analysed according to the theories and experiments , such as the signal drift of the magnetoelectric sensor and improperly operating etc.

  26. 试验中采用高速相机拍摄流场内部的示踪粒子,结合互相关图像处理算法获得浸没液体的流动特征,相关试验结果与浸没流场瞬态模型数值分析结果相符合。

    After the cross-correlation processing between two pictures of tracer particles captured by the high-speed video camera , the characteristics of immersion flow are obtained . The results show that the predictions of the simulated model are in accordance with experimental one . 4 .

  27. 建立浸没液体的供液及回收回路,以控制浸没液体流动的压力与流量,结合光学平台、运动控制平台和高速相机等设备,搭建三维浸没流场检测的试验系统。

    Based on this scheme , a transmission-and-control system is built to control the pressure and flow rate of immersion liquid , and a three-dimensional visual detection system is established , including an optical table , the motion platform control system , a high-speed video camera and so on .

  28. 采用FPGA的高速CCD相机的时钟发生器

    Timing generator of a high speed CCD camera using FPGA

  29. 高速CCD相机图像卡接口电路的设计

    Study on design of high speed CCD camera acquisition system interface circuit

  30. 天文用2K×2K高速CMOS相机的研制与测试结果

    A 2K × 2K Astronomical High-speed CMOS Camera and Its Test Result