
  • 网络Blackbody spectrum;black body spectrum
  1. 普朗克黑体谱要求钟速同步的传递性等价于第零定律

    Planck black body spectrum claims transitivity of clock rate synchronization being equivalent to zeroth law

  2. 弯曲时空中的平衡热辐射,表现出用坐标量表示的普朗克黑体谱。

    The equilibrium thermal radiation in a curved space-time shows Planco black body spectrum given by coordinate quanties .

  3. 本文用数值方法讨论了吸积盘谱与黑体谱的形状和谱指数。

    In this paper , the spectra of an accretion disc and the shape and spectral index of a black body are studied by means of the numerical method .

  4. 这个奖授予宇宙微波背景辐射的黑体谱形和各向异性的发现,强有力地支持了大爆炸宇宙学。

    It was awarded for the discovery of the blackbody spectrum and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation , which strongly supports the big bang theory of cosmology .

  5. 本文采用相对论模型对活动星系核紫外超现象中的黑体谱成分重新进行了讨论,给出了紫外超产生区域的一些具体特性。

    A new simulation to the blackbody spectrum of some AGNs with " UV Excess " are performed by using relativistic accretion disk model and some characteristics of the region where the " UV Excess " generates are obtained in this paper .

  6. 结果表明,辐射光谱在Hawking温度下是一个完美的黑体辐射谱。

    It is shown that the radiation spectrum is consistent with a perfect blackbody spectrum in the Hawking temperature .

  7. 我们的理论估计表明,富星系团集合的高温热电子散射背景光子,使背景辐射谱偏离黑体辐射谱。

    The thermal electrons scatter off the background photons and make the spectrum deviate from the blackbody radiation .

  8. 运用量子统计的方法,分别从谐振子模型和光子气体模型这两种基本模型,推导了黑体辐射能谱公式,即著名的普朗克公式;

    Using the method of quantum statistics , derived the famous Plank Formula from the two basic models which are the harmonic oscillator and the photon gas ;

  9. 从黑体辐射定律出发,计算了黑体辐射谱两个波长处辐射强度的比率。

    A ratio of the intensities of black-body radiations at two wavelengths has been calculated based on the Planck radiation law .

  10. 黑体辐射反问题就是利用测量的黑体辐射能量谱确定黑体的区域温度分布。

    The inverse blackbody radiation problem is used for determining the area-temperature distribution of a blackbody from measured total radiated power spectrum .