
  • 网络Night Man;Night People
  1. 你照亮黑夜,所有人都认为你是神圣的。

    You shall make the dark night bright , and all men shall call you blessed .

  2. 月亮,是没有灯没有星星的黑夜里迷路人的灯笼。

    The moon , does not have the lamp not to have the star nighttime inner ear person 's lantern .

  3. 冉阿让被控为“黑夜破坏有人住着的房屋入内行窃”,送到当时的法院。

    Jean Valjean was taken before the tribunals of the time for theft and breaking and entering an inhabited house at night .

  4. 善于出这类主意,富于黑夜幻想的人都来找他们实现计划。

    The inventors of ideas of that nature , men with nocturnal imaginations , applied to them to have their ideas executed .

  5. 离乡背井,没有亲人,没人朋友,没有快乐,为老板打工,不分白天黑夜,没有人身自由,没有健康保证,辛苦劳累工资低。

    Leave their homes , no relatives , no one friend , not happy , as his boss , day or night , no personal freedom , there is no health guarantee , hard toil for low wages .

  6. 我在黑夜里独自一人。

    I 'm out here in the dark .

  7. 黑夜可以让大多数人安睡,但它既庇护着休息,也隐匿着凶杀。

    The night sheds sleep on the multitude-but it harbors murder as well as rest .