
  • 网络higher education investment project
  1. 目前,我国对高等教育投资项目的综合评价问题的研究才刚刚起步,本文在深入研究教育经济学及建设项目评价相关知识的基础上,构建了高等教育投资项目综合评价指标体系。

    According to its special features , there is now little research on the comprehensive evaluation of higher education investment project . Based on relative knowledge of education economics and construction project evaluation , the author sets out the comprehensive evaluation index system of higher investment project .

  2. 论高等教育投资项目管理体制改革

    On the management system reform of investment projects in higher education

  3. 高等教育投资项目评价原则和方法

    Appraisal Principle and Method of Investment Project in Higher Education

  4. 这对建立和完善高等教育投资项目评价理论,正确进行高等教育投资决策奠定了坚实的基础。

    This is an attempt to establish and perfect the current evaluation theory of Chinese higher education investment .

  5. 本文就高等教育投资项目后评估进行了有益的尝试,主要从三个方面进行了研究。

    This paper makes an effort to study the post-evaluation of investment projects in higher education . This paper consists of three parts .