
ɡuǐ dì fānɡ
  • damnable place
  1. 我不会在这个鬼地方养育孩子的。

    I am not going to bring up my child in this hole .

  2. 这个鬼地方根本没有什么东西可以让他分心。

    There was nothing at all in this miserable place to distract him .

  3. 这鬼地方简直无法容身。

    You simply can 't take shelter in a place like this .

  4. 这鬼地方对我来说太小了,brent。

    This hellhole is too small for me , Brent .

  5. 这个鬼地方有人不认识我吗?

    Is there anyone in this * Doesn 't know me ?

  6. 你什么时候开始来这种鬼地方?

    When did you start coming to knobby joints like this ?

  7. 我知道我要从这个鬼地方出去。

    I know I 'm getting the hell out of here .

  8. 有时间让我离开这个鬼地方。

    Time for me to get the hell out of here .

  9. 我要带你离开这个鬼地方。

    I want to take you away from this wretched place .

  10. 除非你想一直窝在这鬼地方。

    Unless vou want to stav here in this loser existence .

  11. 这鬼地方真叫人毛骨悚然。

    This place is gonna turn me into a little girl .

  12. 我真不该来这个鬼地方。

    I should have stayed the hell away from this dump .

  13. 离开这个鬼地方回到船上去。

    Get off the planet and get back to the ship .

  14. 我们就能从这鬼地方出去了。

    So we can all get the hell out of here .

  15. 到时我就离开这个鬼地方就好了。

    And then I get out of this shithole for good .

  16. 带着大笔钱比大富豪好,要富有离开这个鬼地方。

    And breeze out of this burg with more money than croesus .

  17. 他把我送去那个鬼地方的时候也爱我?

    Did he love me when he sent me to that place ?

  18. 永远也走不出这个鬼地方了!

    We never can get out of this awful place !

  19. 我和军士长要离开这鬼地方。

    The sarge and I are getting the hell out of here .

  20. 我才不去那种鬼地方。

    There is no way I 'm going down there .

  21. 我们现在能离开这个鬼地方吗?

    Can we get the hell out of dodge now ?

  22. 伙计,快去修好引擎,离开这鬼地方。

    Dude , let 's fix it and get out of here .

  23. 这两个小鬼,你是从什么鬼地方找来的?

    Where the devil did you pick up those young'uns ?

  24. 我们每个人都希望能离开这个鬼地方。

    Everybody here wants to get out of this hellhole .

  25. 这鬼地方到底怎么了

    I mean , what is it with this place ?

  26. 该死,怎么能在这鬼地方演奏呢。

    Prick , playing it in such a shit hole .

  27. 你带我来的这是个什么鬼地方?

    What is this place you 've brought me to ?

  28. 我再也不想到这个鬼地方来了!

    I have no intention of coming to this terrible place again !

  29. 我干吗非要来这个鬼地方啊?

    Why did I ever come to this awful place ?

  30. 你在那个鬼地方连个朋友都没有吗?”

    Haven 't you even got friends at that freak place ? "