
  • 网络Charming China;Fascination China;Best of China
  1. 《魅力中国》通过吸纳和包含这些关于中国的资讯和经验,制作出精彩的旅游节目。

    This television series takes all that information , advice and detail and compiles it as an exciting travel show .

  2. 启动《魅力中国》这样一个激动人心的节目拍摄,还有比神奇美丽的张家界更适合的地方吗?

    And what better place to launch this exciting project than amongst the stunning landscape of Zhangjiajie ? I 'd like to thank our hosts for bringing us all together on this auspicious occasion .

  3. 在科比在北京奥运会带领USAB拿到金牌,其魅力风靡中国之后,科比继续倍受着中国球迷的喜爱。

    Kobe continues to get enormous love from his fans in China , months after he captured the hearts and minds of those same fans while winning gold in the2008 Olympic Games .

  4. 美国人眼中,谁是最具魅力的中国女星?

    Which Chinese actress is most attractive in the eyes of Americans ?

  5. 尽管世界具有魅力,中国人却不那么容易吸收。

    Despite fascination with the world , the Chinese do not assimilate easily .

  6. 到过中国的旅游者发现,独具魅力的中国优良文化传统颇难保持下去。

    The obvious charm which the tourist finds in China cannot be preserved ;

  7. 苍龙峡正以其独特的魅力成为中国户外运动的胜地。

    Black Dragon gorge will become china famous scenic sport of outdoor exercises with its unique charm .

  8. 中华壁画以其独有的魅力在中国历史文化的发展中占有不可估量的重要地位。

    Chinese murals with the unique charm of Chinese culture and history in the development of inestimable occupy important positions .

  9. 永久性的艺术魅力&中国民间美术的创作与现代艺术理念

    American Permanent Artistic Charm of the Rhetoric & The creation of China 's folk fine arts and modern artistic theory

  10. 中国古典文学作品以其丰富的语言表现形式、深刻的文化内涵和无限的艺术魅力成为中国文化中弥足珍贵的财富。

    With rich verbal expression , profound cultural meaning and boundless artistic charm , Chinese classical works become a valuable treasure among Chinese culture .

  11. 作为四大文学体裁之一的戏剧,以其独特的艺术魅力在中国传统文化百花园中绽放熠熠光彩。

    As one of the four major literary genre drama , with its unique charm of traditional Chinese culture which blossomed into the gleaming brilliance .

  12. 2004年2月,五大连池以其山苍、石怪、洞幽、水秀、泉奇的迷人魅力成为中国首批世界地质公园。

    With verdant hills , strange rocks , deep caves , limpid waters and miraculous springs , they become the first world geological parks in China .

  13. 中国传统画法同西方油画融合创新,形成了独具魅力的中国写意油画,徐悲鸿等大师的作品受到广泛赞赏。

    Chinas freehand oil painting is an innovative combination of Chinas traditional painting and the Western oil painting , and the works of Xu Beihong and other masters have been widely acclaimed .

  14. 百年历史的中国报纸副刊,以其独特魅力在中国报刊史、现代文学史、现代文体史、现代思想文化史上都起到难以估量的作用。

    Chinese newspaper supplement with the history of one hundred years plays a significant role in Chinese newspapers and periodicals history , modern literature history , modern literature form history , modern ideology and culture history .

  15. 在我国经济飞速发展、国际影响力显著提升的喜人情势下,我们应当抓住机遇,让世界进一步了解中国音乐,塑造具有独特魅力的中国文化形象。

    Today , with rapid development of the economy , China has significantly enhanced her international influence . We should seize the opportunity to let the world learn more about Chinese music and show the unique charm of Chinese culture .

  16. 日本女摄影家高桥亚弥子以黑白独有的艺术魅力诠释着中国的传统文化。

    Japanese photographer Takahasi Ayako uses the art of monochrome to depict China 's traditional culture .

  17. 这其中,帝王书法以其独特艺术魅力,在中国书法艺术中产生着深远的影响。

    And among these , the emperors'calligraphy has made a deep effect on the history of Chinese calligraphy art .

  18. 他的电影以多变的风格、独特的叙事魅力而成为中国电影艺苑中绽放的一朵奇葩。

    His movies are exquisite works of art in China movie because of varied styles and special narrative charm .

  19. 中国三农问题极其复杂而独具魅力,是中国革命和建设的根本问题。

    Being extremely complicated and uniquely fascinating , the three-nong problems are essential in the Chinese revolution and constrution .

  20. 中国传统汉诗之诗体有其神异的魅力就在于中国传统诗人侧重于以神话思维来把握诗歌世界。

    The miraculous power of traditional Chinese poetry is resulted from the poets'preferences to mythical thinking in their composing of their works .

  21. 在演奏技巧的处理上模仿显示了中国的民族风格及其独特魅力,对于中国本土民族音乐文化的传播和发展有着至关重要的意义。

    Playing skills to imitate displays the Chinese nation and its unique style , to the music of the culture and development was crucial .

  22. 中国的历史悠久,无论是物质遗产还是文化遗产都是丰富而有魅力的,中国的山水也是令人向往的旅游胜地。

    China has a long history , whether material or cultural heritage is rich and attractive , China 's landscape is also a desirable tourist destination .

  23. 《红楼梦》以其宏大的包容量以及独特的艺术魅力,在中国小说史上占有极其重要的地位。

    " Dream of Red Mansions ," with its ambitious package volume and a unique artistic charm , in the history of Chinese fiction occupies an important position .

  24. 儒学凭借其独特的魅力影响着中国的社会,同时,儒学以其博大精深的思想不断地向中国周边国家传播。

    Confucianism rely on unique glamour their influence society of China , meanwhile , Confucianism in order to constant to travel to China peripheral country with extensive and profound thought their .

  25. 我们中华民族长期积淀下来的几千年传统文化在现代社会中依然发挥着重要的影响,仍以无与伦比的魅力影响着中国人的价值观念、行为方式、人类类型和精神追求。

    The Chinese traditional cultures for thousands of years still influence the modern society today , affect the concept of value of Chinese people , behavior , human type , and spirit pursuing .

  26. 现代凤纹艺术凭借着深厚而多元的传统,继续展现着凤纹文化和造型的独特魅力,使中国传统文化和艺术发扬广大。

    With the help of deep and multi-change , modern phoenix stripe proceeds displaying its culture and unique glamour in shape , Chinese traditional culture and art has been developed a lot accordingly .

  27. 历史造就了延安精神,它给予了中国革命事业发展以无限精神动力的同时,也势必以其独特的魅力为当前中国特色社会主义事业的发展产生深远的影响。

    The history produces Yan ' an spirit which provides infinite spiritual power to the development of Chinese revolution . Meanwhile , with its unique glamour , it will inevitably have profound influence on the development of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics .

  28. 志人小说《世说新语》无疑为文言小说的典范之作,但志怪小说《幽明录》也以其独特内容和艺术魅力,在中国文言小说史上占有重要的地位。

    Novels of person " shi shuo xin yu " is undoubtedly a model of the classical Chinese novel , but Ghost novel " You Ming lu " owns its unique content and artistic charm , and occupies an important position in the history of China .

  29. 鉴于这部作品在当代俄罗斯文坛的地位和影响,以及反乌托邦文学体裁的独特艺术魅力,加之中国对这部作品的研究空白的现状,我们应该解读《夜猎》的反乌托邦密码。

    In view of the status in and the influence of this work on the contemporary Russian literary community and the unique artistic charm of the counter-Utopia literary genre , as well as the research blank in present China , this article attempts to decode the counter-Utopia in Night Hunts .

  30. 文明发祥地,魅力母亲湖&中国•青海湖!

    Birthplaces of civilization , charming mother Lake-China ? Qinghai Lake !